Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ìAmong the devotees who sought a miracle from Hinn that
evening was 10 year old immigrant Ashnil Prakash, afflicted
with two brain tumors. Although his impoverished parents
pledge [two thousand] dollars to Hinn, Prakash dies seven

weeks after the Portland event.î 56

Following the example of many Hinn followers, the Prakash family remains
devoted to Pastor Benny.

ìThe prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by

their means; and my people love to have it soÖî

Jeremiah 5:31 (emphasis mine)

After the death of Ashnil, his father suggested that he himself might have been
the cause of why his son was not healed; referring to a belief that it could have
been generational curses by either himself or his own father that brought about
the death of Ashnil. When asked by the HBO interviewer where he learned this
teaching, the boyís father replied, ìPastor Bennyî.

This line of thinking is perfect for Benny Hinn and the Apostles of Greed. Things
donít happen the way Hinn and his cohorts say they will because the hearers
have a lack of faith. Not because Hinn is a false prophet seeking fame, riches
and glory at the expense of desperate people hoping for a miracle.

ìAnd one thing Hinn says in his defense - when confronted
with evidence that someone claimed to be healed and then
died - is that, ëThe reason people lose their healing is
because they begin questioning if God really did it. If you're
not healed - or, worse yet, if your sick child is not healed -
it's your fault for not having enough faith.íî 57 (emphasis mine)

The main stream media seems to be more aware than the Children of God;
Hinnís positive profession gospel has not slipped by them. When Hinn passed
the buck as to why people are not healed, one writer called it magic.

ìIt's at this point that Hinn's ministry almost passes over
into the realm of primitive magic - i.e., if you want it bad
enough, and you say the right things and feel the right
things, it will come true.î 58

Unfortunately the Prakash family is not an isolated case. No matter how errant
or blasphemous the claims and teachings of Benny Hinn, the faithful adherents
blindly follow Benny Hinn Ministries wherever it takes them.

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