Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
ìFaith healer Benny Hinn has been swerving from truth and
accuracy for years and continues to do so not by inches but
by miles. It is nothing short of amazing that no matter what
Hinn says, teaches or practices ó even if it is outrageously
unbiblical and outlandish ó his adoring fans blindly follow
and attack anyone who points out his heresies and
untruths.î 59

Hidden Treasure

After the religious financial fiasco of the 1980ís, many ministries voluntarily
reported their expenditures to watchdog groups. However, Benny Hinn Ministries
refuses to be a part of this type of accountability.

What is known is that even though Hinnís Church is located in Florida, an
unprecedented $3.5 million home, located in one of the most exclusive
neighborhoods in Southern California, is being built for Hinn as a parsonage*
paid for by his church. His annual salary is estimated at $500,000 to $1,000,000
per year.

Benny Hinn is also a prolific author, although it has come into question if he
hired ghostwriters to pen his books. In a situation that has the appearance of
money laundering, tens of thousands (or possibly more) of his books have been
sold to Benny Hinn Ministries with Hinn collecting the royalties. The books were
then sold at crusades, conferences and offered on This is Your Day broadcasts
(for a donation of course) to support Benny Hinn Ministries.

Along with his failure to build the promised Healing Center in Texas, Hinn
collected approximately $30 million to construct an orphanage in Mexico.
According to the Benny Hinn Ministries newsletter mailed out in December of
2003, the orphanage called My Fathers House has been completed.

ìAs the New Year begins, the children in our Mexico
orphanage will move into this beautiful facilityÖUpon
opening, we will begin with 100 childrenÖî 60

But there seems to be a contradiction between the newsletter Hinn Ministries
mailed out (asking for funds), and what the webpage for Benny Hinn Ministries
says about the orphanage.

According to the Hinn Ministries webpage, My Fathers House will open early in
2004, with only 20 orphans. It will not be until the end of 2005 that it will house
100 children. 61 Did Pastor Hinn mislead those who receive his newsletter, to
have them believe that the orphanage was already open in order to collect more
funds? On the webpage are pictures of the facility that boasts a kitchen that
rivals those of major restaurants. Itís unfathomable that $30 million will only take
care of the maximum number Hinn claims will be housed there ñ 100 orphans.
Or is it that the bulk of the money is being used elsewhere?

*The official residence usually provided by a church for its parson; a rectory

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