Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 7

Constantine The Great

Then came a man named Constantine. His place in history cannot be denied,
and the volumes that have been written about this man are quite extensive. One
of the many things claimed about this leader is that just before becoming
Emperor, he became a ìChristianî. However, there is evidence that contradicts
that declaration.

ìThe role of Constantine in the history and development of
Christianity has been falsified, misrepresented, and
misunderstood.î 1

Constantine was a devoted follower of Mithra, the sun god of ancient Persia.
The body of Mithra was covered with the signs of the zodiac and emblems of the
seasons. According to Mithraism the highest god was Infinite Time, or Kronos,
from which we get the word chronograph. This god was also called Aion,
Saeculum or Saturnus. Following in the footsteps of Molech, one of the earmarks
for the worship of Kronos was the sacrifice of humans, especially children.

The sun god was well known to be Constantineís benefactor.

ìThe Sun [god] was universally celebrated as the invincible
guide and protector of Constantine...î 2

Constantine's beliefs and adherence to paganism are well documented.

ì...the devotion of Constantine was more peculiarly directed
to the genius of the Sun, the Apollo of Greek and Roman
mythologyÖî 3

ìÖApollo was equated or identified with the Sun-godÖî 4

ì[Apollo is also] identified with LuciferÖî 5

Apollo was the god of the sun, prophecy and healing. It was believed that
each day, he rode his chariot across the sky, bringing light to the world.

It is understandable why Constantine would be drawn to the cult of Mithra.
Constantine was the son of a Roman Emperor, a general in the Roman army
and Mithraism was a soldierís religion. He was a deity that stood for fidelity,
bravery, courage, and manliness. It was also a belief that excluded women,
and placed great emphasis on a brotherhood of fellowship. The secret bonds
that members of this sect shared suggest that it was an early form of

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