Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The Emperor Nero who ìfiddled while Rome burnedî was believed to have
been an emanation of Mithra during his time as Caesar. Some of the greatest
persecutions of Christians came under the rule of this notorious tyrant.

The image of Mithra ties
this false god to Nimrod. If
you look closely at the circle
around this depiction of
Mithra slaying a bull, you
can see the symbols of the

By the third century AD, the Roman Empire had become so large that one
Emperor could not rightly rule over it. With that in mind, the Emperor Diocletian
established the tetrarch. Four emperors, two in the east and two in the west
would rule the Empire. One of these emperors was the father of Constantine.

Constantine was an extremely ambitious man that did not want to share rule
of the Empire with anyone. After the deaths of both Diocletian and his father,
the only one that stood in his way of ruling the whole of the Western Empire
was his co-emperor and father-in-law, Maxentius. However, Maxentius was not
going to just turn the rule of the West over to Constantine.

A battle between their two armies for the throne of Rome was inevitable.

But Constantine had a problem ñ he was greatly outnumbered. Being a
follower of Mithra, he had the pagans on his side. Yet to win the battle he
needed the support of the Christians that were in his army.

Legend tells us that Constantine had a vision before his battle with Maxentius
at the Milvian Bridge. But just what that was has never been fully determined.

Over the centuries this tale has been given the spin that the vision
Constantine witnessed was a ìSignî of support from Jehovah, the One True
God of the Jews and the Christians.

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