Benny Hinn is blatant in his efforts to have this accomplished.
ìItís time we believers begin to pray that the Temple be
rebuilt.î 36
By his words, Benny Hinn claims that Jesus is the Messiah, but by his actions
he is perpetuating a lie to the people of Israel!
ìBut evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
deceiving, and being deceived.î 2 Timothy 3:13
For the sacrifices to be acceptable, a man from the tribe of Levi must perform
them. When the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, the records of who
belonged to what particular tribe were lost forever. As the people of Israel were
scattered across the earth, the tribal distinctions also disappeared. However,
according to Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem they
have proven that there is a DNA marker unique to those from the Tribe of Levi.
Using gene technology, they are now able to verify if a person is a descendant of
Levi. They have also completed reconstruction of the priestly garments as
dictated in scripture.
It will not be necessary for the entire Temple to be rebuilt for the sacrifices to
take place. For 40 years the people of Israel wandered in the wilderness. It was
there that the LORD gave Moses the instructions for the Tabernacle. While the
Hebrews roamed the desert, the sacrifices were a daily occurrence. They had a
tent called the Holy of holies and one of the items contained in this tent was the
Ark of the Covenant. Rabbi Richman told an audience in Jerusalem that they
know exactly where the Ark is located. When the people of Israel are allowed to
resume the animal sacrifices according to the Law of Moses the Ark will be
placed in the Holy of holies. After close to two millennia, a priest from the tribe of
Levi will again be able to perform the daily sacrifice according to the Law.
The only thing stopping this from taking place is the violence that continues on
a daily basis in the land of Israel. Once someone comes forth and an agreement
is signed (possibly between Israel and the Palestinians) that allows for the
sacrifices to again take place, the stage will be set for the son of perdition to be