One of the main causes of the violence that occurs in the Middle East is
because of religious differences. For the most part, Arabs are Muslim, dedicated
to the eradication of all Hebrews and the State of Israel. But thanks to his
holiness, John Paul II the walls between Islam, Judaism and so-called
Christianity are slowly being erased in the name of peace.
Violating the Word of God, the hierarchy of ecumenical Christendom has
committed spiritual adultery by hopping into the bed of heresy with the Roman
Institution in support of this so-called peace.
ìRemove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.î
Proverbs 22:28
ìDuring a visit to the USA in April 2001, King Abdullah of
Jordan, asked evangelical leaders to take steps to promote
peace in the Middle East. In a meeting with around 80
Christian leaders in Washington D.C., he told them ëArabs
must hear your voiceí, and called them ëmen and women of
peaceí. The leaders included Pastor David Yonggi Cho, TBN's
Paul Crouch Jr., Pastor John Hagee, Marilyn Hickey and
Billy Joe Daugherty. The meeting was organized by
evangelist Benny Hinn, who said that evangelical Christians
should ëput one arm around the Jews in Israel, and the
other around the Arabs, who are also God's creation.í When
asked by Paul Crouch whether Jordan would allow TBN to
broadcast in the nation, King Abdullah replied that it could
well be possible as a result of the privatization currently
taking place.î 37
This is the foundation of the One World Church that will persecute true
Christians in these Last Days.