Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

End Notes

Chapter 4 The Unholy Trinity ñ Cush, Semiramis and Nimrod

  1. ìAncient Tablets, Ancient Graves: Accessing Women's Lives in Mesopotamiaî

  2. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 26 Loizeau Bros., NJ 1959

  3. Lewis Spence, ìMyths and Legends of Babylonia and Syriaî p. 27 Frederick A. Stokes NY 1998

  4. Ibid. p. 28

  5. Nineveh on-line ìLegend of Semiramisî, edited by George E. Foryan

  6., ìThe 1911 edition encyclopedia onlineî

  7. Lewis Spence ìMyths and Legends of Babylonia and Syriaî p. 29

  8. ìThe Virtual Babel Encyclopediaî website

  9. Flavius Josephus, ìThe Antiquities of the Jewsî, Book 1, Chapter 4

  10. Louis Ginzberg, ìThe Legends of the Jewsî Volume 1, Section 6 pp. 78-81

  11. Jack Chick, ìAngel of Lightî, p. 13 Chick Publications, CA

  12. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî p. 22

Chapter 5 A New Religion

  1. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 66

  2. Nineveh on-line ìLegend of Semiramisî, edited by George E. Foryan

  3. Jack Chick ìAngel of Lightî, p. 15

  4. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 20

  5. Ibid. p. 20

Chapter 6 The Roman Influence

  1. Raven Grimassi, ìEncyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraftî, p. 13 Llewellyn Publications MN 2000

  2. Barbara Walker, ìThe Womanís Encyclopedia of Myths and Secretsî, p. 15 Harper 1983

  3. Thieleman J. van Braght, ìMartyrs Mirrorî, pp. 95-96 Herald Press Scottsdale, PA 1994

Chapter 7 Constantine the Great

  1. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln; ìHoly Blood, Holy Grailî, p. 364
    Dell Publishing, New York, New York 1982, 1983

  2. Edward Gibbon, ìThe Decline and Fall of the Roman Empireî, p. 286 Chatto and Windus LTD.

  3. Ibid. p. 285

  4. Michael Grant, ìConstantine the Greatî, p. 134 Macmillian Publishing Co.

  5. Raven Grimassi, ìEncyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraftî, p. 14

Chapter 8 X Marks the Spot

  1. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln; ìHoly Blood, Holy Grailî, p. 366

  2. Ibid. p. 366

  3. Ibid, p. 366

  4. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 202

  5. Ibid. p. 202

  6. Ibid. p. 204

  7. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 203

  8. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln; ìHoly Blood, Holy Grailî, p. 366

  9. The Worldbook Online, ìVenusî

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