Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 9 All Hail Caesar

  1. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln; ìHoly Blood, Holy Grailî, p. 366

  2. Barbara Walker, ìThe Womanís Encyclopedia of Myths and Secretsî, p. 15

  3. Michael Grant, ìConstantine the Greatî, p. 134

  4. Edward Gibbon, ìThe Decline and Fall of the Roman Empireî, p. 298

Chapter 10 A Spiritual Blender

  1. Edward Gibbon, ìThe Decline and Fall of the Roman Empireî, p. 286

  2. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln; ìHoly Blood, Holy Grailî, pp. 367-368

  3. Greg Dues, ìCatholic Customs and Traditions, A popular guide. Revised editionî, p. 51
    Twenty ñThird Publications, Mystic, CT 2001

  4. Pope Leo the Great, Homily 6, ìOn the Feast of the Nativityî

Chapter 11 A Day to be Honored

  1. John C McCollister, ìThe Christian Book of Whyî, p. 205 Jonathan David Publishers, Inc. NY 1983

  2. Ancient Sites web page, ìSaturnaliaî

  3. ìJournal of Calendar Reformî, Sept. 1953, p. 128

  4. Ibid.

  5. Dorothy Morrison, ìYule, A Celebration of Light and Warmthî, p. 6 Llewellyn Publications, MN 2000

  6. Ancient Sites web page, ìSaturnaliaî

  7. ìBibliotheca Sacraî Volume 12, p. 155

Chapter 12 You Canít See the Forest for the Trees

  1. Raven Grimassi, ìEncyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraftî, p. 401

  2. Ibid. p. 312

  3. Ibid. p. 375

  4. Ibid. p. 401

  5. Sulgrave Manor, ìA Tudor Christmasî, p. 6

  6. David Calderwood, ìReasons against Festival daysî, Naphtali Press

  7. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 96

  8. Raven Grimassi, ìEncyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraftî, p. 105

Chapter 13 ìYuleî be Sorry

  1. Edain McCoy, ìCeltic Myth and Magickî p. 89 Llewellyn Publications, MN 1999

  2. Ibid. p. 89

  3. H.P Blavatsky, ìThe Theosophical Glossaryî The Theosophical Publishing Society London 1892 Edition

  4. Albert Pike, ìMorals and Dogmaî p. 393

  5. ìSaint Peterís Squareî, Vatican City website

  6. ìHeliopolisî, Lexicorient on the Web

  7. Albert Pike, ìMorals and Dogmaî pp.459-460

  8. ìHeliosî, Greek Mythology Website

  9. ìInitiations at Heliopolisî, Spirit Mythos web page

  10. ìHeliopolisî

  11. Ibid.

  12. Edain McCoy, ìCeltic Myth and Magickî p. 401

  13. Patricia Telesco, ìSeasons of the Sunî p. 237 Samuel Weiser Inc MA 1996

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