Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 18 continued

  1. Ibid. p. 103

  2. Jim Tetlow, ìQueen of Muslims, Queen of Allî, August 2001 (currently unpublished)

  3. ìOur Lady of Lourdesî, 8th Apparition

  4. ìBlessed Sacrament Catholic Communityî web page

  5. Mark Owen, ìMortificationî, Extract from ìThe Encyclopedia of Human Crueltyî CD-ROM

  6. Personal Freedom Outreach webpage. ìLourdes and Fatima Endorsed by Hinnî 1998

  7. Mark Owen, ìMortification

  8. Ibid.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Randy Kraft, ìMexicoís Miracleî, The Allentown Morning Call, April 15, 2001

  12. Taken from the website for Remnant Tours, Wyoming, MN

  13. ìA Brief History of Chimayoî web page

  14. BBC World Service, ìChildren and the Crucifixionî, March 29, 2001

  15. Jim Tetlow, ìQueen of Muslims, Queen of Allî

  16. John Paul II, ìEcclesia in Americaî, National Conference of Catholic Bishops
    ìBehold Your Mother. Woman of Faithî Washington, 1973

  17. Dale Hoyte Palfrey, ìMexicoís Colonial Era ñ Part II: Religion & Society in New Spainî

  18. Rose A. Wilcox, ìGod/dess The Goddess of the Americasî,

  19. Margaret A. Beemer PhD. University of California, Los Angeles. 1988
    Alyshia G·lvez, ìApocalyptic Apparition: A Re-Interpretation of The Virgin of Guadalupeî
    December 20, 2000 referring to ìGodly Interchange: The Appropriation Of Nonchristian
    Symbols In The Development Of Christianity In Spain And The Valley Of Mexicoî p. 83-85

  20. Ibid.

  21. Ibid.

  22. Rose A. Wilcox, ìGod/dess The Goddess of the Americasî

  23. ìMexicoís Colonial Era ñ Part II: Religion & Society in New Spainî

  24. A. Castillo, ìGoddess of the Americas: la Diosa de las AmÈricas: Writings on the Virgin of
    Guadalupeî, p. xix Riverhead Books, New York 1996

  25. ìCatholic World News onlineî, 12/06/1999

  26. ìThe Catholic Worldî, December 6, 1999

  27. Richard Vara and Dudley Althaus, ìBattle Over Sainthoodî, Houston Chronicle July 29, 2002

  28. Taken from the official web site of the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus

  29. Pope Pius XII, ìAd Caeli Reginamî, Encyclical proclaiming the Queen ship of Mary October 11, 1954

  30. Saint Joseph Catholic Community Eldersberg, MD Web page, referencing Pius XII ìAd Caeli Reginamî

  31. Tell All Gallery web page. ìThe Vatican: True Church or Political Power Iî

  32. Antonio A. Borelli and John R. Spann, ìOur Lady of Fatima: Prophecies of Tragedy or Hope?î, p. 47

  33. The Blessed Virgin speaking to Saint Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order

  34. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p.20-21

  35. R. Briffault, ìThe mothers; a study of the origins of sentiments and institutionsî

  36. Pope Leo XIII, ìSupremi Apostolatus Officioî (On Devotion of the Rosary), September 1, 1883

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