Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 19 The Rosary ñ A Very Thorny Issue

  1. Msgr. Joseph A. Cirrincione and Thomas A. Nelson, ìThe Rosary and the Crisis of Faith. Fatima and
    World Peaceî, Tan Books, Illinois 1986

  2. St. Louis DeMontfort, ìThe Secret of the Rosaryî 1973 Montfort Publications, Bay Shore, N.Y.

  3. ìThe Rosary Centerî webpage

  4. Fr. Kevin Scallon C.M, ìMother of Mercy, A Rosary of Healingî Heartbeat Records, IA 1995

  5. ìYour Rosary Bookletî, Franciscan Mission Associates, NY

  6. Saint Louis Marie Grignion De Montfort, ìThe History of the Rosaryî

  7. Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, ìThe Glories of Maryî, p. 593 The Redemptorist Fathers, New York 1931

  8. Father Paul A. Duffner, 0.P. ìIn Defense of Traditionî, Rosary Light & Life Vol. 49, No. 5 SEP.-OCT. 1996
    Voice of the Rosary Confraternity, A Western Dominican Publication

  9. Ibid.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Saint Louis Marie Grignion De Montfort, ìThe History of the Rosaryî,

  13. Ibid.

  14. Father Paul A. Duffner, 0.P. ìIn Defense of Traditionî

  15. Bartolo Longo, ìStoria del Santuario di Pompeiî Pompei, p.59, 1990 as sited in Apostolic Letter
    ìRosarium Virginis Mariae (Rosary of the Virgin Mary) of John Paul II on the Most Holy Rosary

  16. Msgr. Joseph A. Cirrincione and Thomas A. Nelson, ìThe Rosary and the Crisis of Faith,
    Fatima and World Peaceî

  17. Ibid.

  18. Ibid.

  19. ìYour Rosary Bookletî

Chapter 20 Everything Old is New Again

  1. Dorothy Morrison, ìYule, A Celebration of Light and Warmthî, p. 5

  2. Alexander Robertson D.D, ìThe Roman Church in Italyî Edited by Sylvia Lacoski

  3. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 26

  4. Encyclopedia Mythica online

  5. Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition; Vol. 15 Grolier Inc.

Chapter 21 Itís Made Official

  1. Sheryl Ann Karas, ìThe Solstice Evergreen, The History, Folklore and Origins of the Christmas Treeî, p.88

  2. Alexander Hislop,î The Two Babylonsî, p. 93

  3. Dr. F.X. Funk, ìManual of Church History, Vol. 1î, pp. 198-199 B. Herder Book Co, St. Louis, MO 1912

  4. Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911 Edition

  5. Frederick H. Cramer, ìAstrology in Roman Law and Politicsî, p. 4 The American Philosophical Society,
    Philadelphia, PA. 1954

  6. John C McCollister, ìThe Christian Book of Whyî, p. 206

  7. Encyclopedia Americana, 1944 Edition

  8. Michael Harrison, ìThe Story of Christmasî p. 28

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