Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Chapter 22 The Mass Appeal of a Magic Wafer

  1. Greg Dues, ìCatholic Customs and Traditionsî, p. 151

  2. Loraine Boettner, ìRoman Catholicismî p. 16 The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company NJ 1962

  3. Ibid. p. 169

  4. ìCatechism of the Catholic Churchî

  5. Pope John Paul II, ìEcclesia de Eucharistiaî April 17, 2003

  6. Second Vatican Council, Sacred Liturgy

  7. ìCatechism of the Catholic Churchî

  8. ìCatechism of the Catholic Churchî

  9. ìEcclesia de Eucharistiaî

  10. Keith Fournier, Dean of Evangelization at the Catholic Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio,
    ìNew Evangelization 2000î, Issue 8, page 7

  11. ìVirgin Maryís End Times Propheciesî July 14, 1979;

  12. Karol Wojtyla, aka Pope John Paul II, ìDominicae Cenae on the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharistî
    February 24, 1980

  13. Pope John Paul II, ìEcclesia de Eucharistiaî

  14. ìDominicae Cenae on the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharistî

  15. Pope John Paul II, ìEcclesia de Eucharistiaî

  16. Canon IV, The First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea

  17. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 162

  18. Heike Owusu ìSymbols of Egyptî, p. 103 Stirling Publishing Co. NY 1998

  19. John Paul II, Letter to the Bishop of Liege, 1996

  20. Rev. Jovian P. Lang, OFM, ìThe Dictionary of the Liturgyî, p. 436 Catholic Book Publishing Co. NY 1989

Chapter 23 In Memoriam

  1. ìCanons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. Original Text with English Translation", p.79
    by Rev. H.J. Schroeder, O.P. published by B. Herder Book Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1960 Canon 1

  2. Thielman J. Vanbraght ìMartyrs Mirrorî, p. 265 Herald Press, Scottdale, PA

  3. Ibid. p. 270

  4. Ibid. p. 270

  5. D'Aubigne, op. cit., pp. 91-92.

  6. Thomas A. Fudge, ìTo Build a Fireî, Christian History, Issue 68, Vol. XIX, No.4 p. 18
    Christianity Today, Carol Stream, IL

  7. Ibid. p.18

  8. Ibid. p.18

  9. Ibid. p.18

  10. John Foxe, ìThe New Foxeís Book of Martyrsî, rewritten and updated by Harold J. Chadwick p. 98
    Bridge-Logos Publishers, New Jersey 1997

  11. Thielman J. Vanbraght, ìMartyrs Mirrorî, p. 85

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