Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

One of the Tenets set forth when Constantine convened the First Council of
Nicaea in 325 AD was that:

ìThe ancient customs of EgyptÖshall be maintained.î 16

Holding fast to this Law, the fledgling Catholic Church did maintain the ancient
custom of transubstantiation.

This is just another example of how the rites of sun god worship have been
labeled Christian.

Behold your god!

In Babylon, the priests of the sun god believed that through the use of special
prayers and incantations; while performing a very solemn religious ceremony,
they could turn ordinary wine and wafers of unleavened bread into the literal
flesh and blood of their god.

The shape of these wafers was VERY significant!

ìIn the great temple of Babylon, the golden image of the Sun
was exhibited for the worship of the Babylonians.î 17

ìThe sun was viewed as the visible body of the sun
godÖ[he] was worshipped as a purely cosmic deity in the
form of a sun disk.î 18

To honor the sun god, the wafers were formed into the shape of a sun disk.
They believed that by the eating the flesh of their god and drinking his blood,
they would obtain the grace and favor they needed to please him.

In ancient Egypt, the priests of Horus held up the magically transformed
wafers before the people and announced, "This is your god", and the people
bowed down in reverence. But, their god had to be continually sacrificed, so the
rite was done often.

This is the exact same ritual that is performed every day in Roman Catholic
churches all over the world.

ìAnyone who prays to our Saviour [in the Blessed
Sacrament] draws the whole world with him and raises it to
GodÖî 19

Because the Eucharist is believed to be God, it cannot be set directly on a
table, shelf or any other ìcommonî surface. If it is not to be eaten or must be
displayed or transported, it is placed in a monstrance.

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