The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Notes to Pages 98-zo4
Gunawardana, Robe and Plough: Monasticism and Economic Inter-
est in Early Medieval Sri Lanka (Tucson, Ariz., 1979), 53-136.

35· Rahula, History of Buddhism in Ceylon, 146-7; Gunawardana,

Robe and Plough, 97-100.

  1. Gunawardana, Robe and Plough, 8o-6, 147-53; Gombrich, Thera-
    viida Buddhism, 165-6; Gregory Schopen, 'Deaths, Funerals, and
    the Division of Property in a Monastic Code', in Lopez ( ed.), Bud-
    dhism in Practice, 473-502, and 'Monastic Law Meets the Real
    World: A Monk's Continuing Right to Inherit Family Property in

Classical India', History of Religions, 35 (1995), 101-23.

37· Visuddhimagga ii.; Vimuttimagga 27-38; Reginald Ray, Buddhist
Saints in India (New York, 1994), 293-323.

  1. Gunawardana, Robe and Plough, 41-7.
    39· Cf. Gombrich, Theraviida Buddhism, 156-7.

  2. Visuddhimagga iii. 31-4.

41. John Strong (trans.), The Legend of King Asoka (Princeton, 1983);

Romila Thapar, Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas (Delhi,

1973), 184-202 (for a translation of Asoka's edicts); Anuradha
Seneviratna (ed.), King Asoka and Buddhism: Historical and Lit-
erary Studies (Kandy, 1994).

  1. Mahavarpsa xxv. 98-n6; Gananath Obeyesekere et al. (eds.), The

Two Wheels of Dhamma: Essays on the Theravada Tradition in India

and Ceylon (Chambersburg, Pa., 1972 ); Daigan Matsunaga and Alicia

Matsunaga, Foundation of Japanese Buddhism, 2 vols. (Tokyo, 1974-

6), ii. 284-8; John Powers, Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism (Ithaca,
NY, 1995), 139; Bardwell L. Smith (ed.), Religion and Legitimation

of Power in Thailand Laos and Burma (Chambersburg, Pa., 1978).

43· L. S. Cousins, 'Good or Skilful? Kusala In Canon and Commentary',

Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 3 (1996), 136-64 (electronic journal:!jbe (UK address); (USA
44· Wijayaratna, Buddhist Monastic Life, 132.

45· From the Saddharmiilmikiiraya; quoted by Rahula, History of

Buddhism in Ceylon, 194.

  1. Schopen, 'The Ritual Obligations and Donor Roles of Monks';
    Richard Gombrich, 'The Monk in the Pali Vinaya: Priest or Wed-

ding Guest?', Journal of the Pali Text Society, 21 (1995), 193-7.

47· Rahula, History of Buddhism in Ceylon, II2-14; Gunawardana, Robe

and Plough, 143-4; cf. Welch, The Practice of Chinese Buddhism,

14, I28.
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