The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
288 Notes to Pages I04-IO

48. E. W. Adikaram, Early History of Buddhism in Ceylon (Migoda,

I946), I35-42; Gombrich, Buddhist Precept and Practice, I23-4).

49· Rahula, History of Buddhism in Ceylon, I63-:S; Gregory Schopen,

'Filial Piety and the Monk in the Practice of Indian Buddhism', T' oung
Pao, 70 (I984), uo-26.

so. Rahula, History of Buddhism in Ceylon, I58-63.

SI. Sukumar Dutt, Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India (London,

I962), 3I9-66; Joshi, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India, I2I-4I.

  1. See DonaldS. Lopez (ed.), Buddhism in Practice (Princeton, I995),
    53· Cf. Ray, Buddhist Saints in Ancient India, 447. Other studies of the

'forest tradition' are Stanley Tambiah, The Buddhist Saints of the

Forest and the Cult of Amulets (Cambridge, I 984 ); J. L. Taylor, Forest

Monks and Nation-State: An Anthropological and Historical Study
in Northeastern Thailand (Singapore, 1993); Michael Carrithers,

The Forest Monks of Sri Lanka (Delhi, I983); Kamala Tiyavanich,

Forest Recollections: Wandering Monks in Twentieth Century Thai-
land (Honolulu, I997).
54· See Gombrich, Precept and Practice; Richard Gombrich and
Gananath Obeyesekere, Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change
in Sri Lanka (Princeton, I988); Spiro, Buddhism and Society; Stanley
Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer (Cambridge,

I976); Tambiah, The Buddhist Saints of the Forest.

55· Ray, Buddhist Saints in India; Reichelt, Truth and Tradition in

Chinese Buddhism; Tucci, The Religions of Tibet, uo-62; Welch,

The Practice of Chinese Buddhism.

56. Welch, The Practice of Chinese Buddhism, 70.

57· Ch'en, Buddhism in China, 363; Welch, The Practice of Chinese

Buddhism, I04.

58. Welch, The Practice of Chinese Buddhism, 207-8.

59· Robinson and Johnson, The Buddhist Religion, I8r.
6o. Gombrich, Theraviida Buddhism, 74-6; Schopen, Bones, Stones, and
Buddhist Monks, So.
6r. Vinaya i. 236-8; Majjhima Nikaya i. 379--80.

  1. Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 24-6.

63. Margaret Cone and Richard Gombrich, The Perfect Generosity of

Prince Vessantara (Oxford, I977).

  1. Spiro, Buddhism and Society, I I-I4; Samuel, Civilized Shamans, 24-
    7, discusses the relevance of such a schem& to Tibetan Buddhist

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