The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

324 Index
asmi-mtina I47, I62
Asoka I4, I9, 42, 52, 53, !00-I, zs6;
schism edict of 54
Asoktivadtina IOI
tisraya-paravrtti 247
assemblies (pr~at), four 85, 86, 107
A${Siihasrikti Prajiitiptiramitti 226,
234, 258
asubha-bhtivanti I77
Asuras, realm of uS, I22, I27
Asvagho~a I7
Asvajit/Assaji I4I
Attinti{iya Sutta I68
Atisa z66-7, 270
atman, see self
atthakathti 54; see also commentaries
Atthastilin'i II 5
Augustine 69
Aukana 276
Australia 275
A valokitesvara 233
Avataf!lsaka Satra zz6, 265, 267
avidytilavijjti, see ignorance
avyakrta/avytikata 66-8, 77
awakening IS, 24, I24, 227, 228;
fourth dhytina and I25; gradual!
sudden 262, z66; nirvaQ.a and
75-7, I92; seven limbs of I92;
thirty-seven conditions that
contribute to I92, I97
tiyatana, twelve I40, 229
Ayudhya 256
Bar-do Thos-grol 2I7
Bareau, A. I6, 51,54
Benares 2I, 25, 245
Bennett, A. 274
Bhai~jya Guru 233
bhti$ya 54
bhtivanti 83, I02, I2I, I74, I79;
-mtirga I94, 197-8; wisdom arising
from 36; see also meditation
Bhtivantikrama I65, 229
bhavanga 2I3,2I5-I6,zzz,zz3
Bhavaviveka 240
bhik$ulbhikkhu, see monk
Bible 41
Bihar IS
Bizot, F. 257

bKa' gdams-pa 267, 270, 27I
bKa' brgyud 270
Blavatsky, H. P. 274
BLo bzang-rgya-mtsho 272
bodhi, see awakening
bodhi-citta 229, 230
Bodhidharma z6I, 262
Bodhi-patha-prad'ipa 267
Bodhi Tree IS, 22, 30, 36, 97, I04,
IIO, I68, 202
bodhisattva 3, 92; career of 17-23,
IoS-9; fifty-eight vows of 88; path
of I95,224,226-3I,242;ten
bhumis of ISS, 230-I, 268
Bodhisattva-pi{aka 225
brahma 30; -vihtiras, four I86-7
Brahma 47, 9I, I25; Great II3-I4,
IIS, II9; realms of nS-24 passim,
176; Sahampati 24-5
brahmacariya 36, 94
Brahmajtila Sutra, Chinese 88
Brahmajtila Sutta I48
brahman I34
brahmanical tradition 9, II-I3, 20,
29,4I, I27, I69
brahmi script 7
'Brom-ston 266
Brorikhorst, J. zoo, 2I4
bSam-yas 266
bSod-nams-rgya-mtsho 272
Buddha 3, 7-8, IS, 27-9, 32-4, 2I9;
after death 66, 75-8; becoming in
Akani~tha 23I; bodies of 30-2,
232-3; compared to arhat 26, 224,
227-8; date of 14, 19; god or man
29, 33; his life threatened I68;
historical I3-I6, 32; images of
23,24,97, I04, IIO, I68;legend
of I6-27; as physician 63-4;
recollection of I04, I77, 234, 263;
sources for life of I6-17; pratyeka-
lsrtivaka-/samyaksam-32-3, 228,
243; as teacher 32-4, 47; twelve
acts of 17; transcendent 23I-4;
woman cannot be 9I; word of 39,
views 240, 243
Buddhacarita I7
Buddhadatta 205, 254
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