The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 325
Buddhadeva 220
buddha-fields (-k$etra) 232, 264
Buddhaghosa 55, II4, I24, I49, ISO,
ISI, I56, I65, I77, I79, ISI, ISS,
I90, I94, 196,204,254
buddha-nature 125, 222, 252, 262
Buddhapalita 240
Buddhism, common heritage of 3, 4,
44, sS; conceptions of 163, 166-7;
definition of 2-3; mainstream s;
nibbanic, kammatic, and apotropaic

no-n; Protestant 255; and

religion 64-5; schools of 4I, 4S,
49-56; southern, eastern, and
northern traditions of I -2, 40; and
the West 255, 266, 273-5
Buddhist, definition of 107-S
Buddhist texts, oral transmission of
37, 49; canons of 40-2, 46;
Chinese/Tibetan translations of 4I,
Burma I, 5S, IIO-II, 12S, 256, 274
Burnouf, E. 274

cakra-viilja!cakka-vii!a n4-19, I23,
cakra-vartin/cakka-vattin 20, 26
Cambodia I, 24, sS, 106, 256, 257
Candragupta 273
Candrakfrti 240, 243
Carter, J. R. 69
caste I3
causality, Buddhist theory of 140-4;
and single cause 153; see also
dependent arising
celibacy so, S9; see also sex
cetasika 210-I3
Ch'an 3S, 107, 165, 201, 259, 260,
26I-3; see also Zen
Channa 2I
Chen Yen (Shingon) I65, 260,
Ch'eng-wei-shih tun 207, 244-5
Chih-i r65, 264-5
China I, 40, 57, sS, Io6, us, I65,
ISS, 206, 273, 276; Buddhist
pilgrims from 54, s6, 97, 223;
see also East Asian Buddhism

Chinul 260
chos skyong (Dharma protectors)
Christianity 23, 2S, 33, 42, 46, 65,
68-9, 253, 255
Chii-she/Kusha school 206, 260
citta 57-S, 2IO-I3; see also
Collins, S. 96, 136, I47
commentaries 47,54-5
Communism 2, 257
compassion 64, IS7, 22S, 230, 234,
conceit I47, I62
Confucianism I, 257
consciousness 57, I2I-2, I36, ISO,
2IO-I3, 215-16; altered states of
10; Y ogacarin understanding of
Conze, E. 65, I67, 234
cosmology, Buddhist 3, 6;
expansion/contraction of cosmos
123-5; and folk religion 127-31;
Judaeo-Christian 131-2; and
psychology n9-23, I26-7; and
science 132
councils, Buddhist, see sarp.giti
Cousins, L. S. 200
craving (tmta!taJJhii) 69-71, 73, So,
150, 235, 237; and self I46; see also
creeds 65
Csoma de Koros, A. 274
Cufa-Miilu!Jkya Sutta 66-7
Cultural Revolution 257
Dalai Lama 270, 272, 274
dana, see generosity
darsana-miirga I94, 195, 197
Dasabhumika Satra 225, 226
David-Nee!, A. 274
defilements (klesalkilesa) 175,
243; extinguishing of 76; ten
defilements of insight 190-I; three
fundamental (greed, hatred,
delusion) 29, 32, 74, 75, 77, So, S9,
93, 213, 25I; traces of (klesa-
viisana) 243; see also craving,
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