The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

dependent arising (prautya-
samutpiida/pa(icca-samuppiida) 3,
6,22-3,74, I26, I4I-2, IS9,2I7,
25I; as middle way I45, ISS, IS6,
23S;momentary I54-5;overthree
lives ISO-I; transcendent IS7-S
Derrida, J. 244
Desideri, I. 274
Devadatta 26
devotional practice 65, I04, I67-9,
dGe-lugs 270, 271-2
Dhammapala I25, 254
dhammatii, thirty features of in a
buddha's life I7
Dhammayuttika reform 256
Dharma 24, 30, 34-40, 46, 47, 69, S6,
I6S; as scripture, practice and
realization 3S-9; turning the wheel
of 25, 34; three turnings of 245
Dharmaguptakas 54; Vinaya of S6,
dharma-kiiya 30,3I,232-3
dharma-nairiitmya 243 .
Dharmapala 244
dharmas (phenomena) 30, 3I, I4I,
I6I,204,209-I2, 220-2,234-7,
contemplation of rise and fall 'of
I90, 19I; similes for I90, 210, 237
DharmasrT 206
dhiitus, eighteen I40, 229
dhuta-gwJa/dhutmiga 9S
dhyiina/jhiina Io,22, I2I, I23, I24-5,
I76-7, I9o, I95, I97, I9S, I99-2oi,
2I3, 230, 26I; the fourth 125, ISS,
I94; limbs of ISO-I, IS5; stages of
IS4-5; transcendent I92-3;
see also meditation, samiidhi
Digha Nikaya 43
Diparpk.ara IS, 227
DTpaVar(ISa I4, IOO
Dodanduwa 274
Dogen 252, 263
Dol-po-pa She-rab rGyal-mtshan
doubt 73
Drepung ('Bras-spungs) 272
drugs I7I

du~kha/dukkha 27,2S,s9-64,7I,73,
II2, I22, I26, I33, 137, IS7, 240,
249, 250; according to Abhidharma
213-I5; Bodhisattva's experience
of 2 I; its cessation 7 4; its origin
6S-7o, 73, 74; three kinds of 6I-2;
the way leading to its cessation
79-S4; see also four noble truths
DutthagaminT IOI
East Asian Buddhism I, 44, S6, SS,
S9,-9I, I07, wS, 222, 226, 233, 252,
257-66, 274-5; schools of 259-6I;
see also China, Japan, Korea
eightfold path SI-3, IOI, I64, I65-92
E!ara IOI
Eliot, T. S. 274
Emerson, R. W. 274
emptiness (silnyatii/suiiiiatii) I92,
enlightenment, see awakening
esoteric Buddhism I65, 257, 26S
eternalism, see views
ethics I02, I69-74; see also karma,
precepts, srla
Fa-hsiang-tsung 260
Fa-hsien 97, 254
faith (sraddhii/saddhii) no, I66-9,
Fan-Wang-Ching SS
fetters (sar(lyojana ), ten 72-3, I93-4
four noble truths 22, 59-60, I93, 2SI;
seen in one or sixteen moments
Frauwallner, E: 200, 206
friendliness, see maitrf

Gam-po-pa (sGam-po-pa) I65, 270
Gm:u)avyilha Satra 226
Ganden 272
grandharva/gandhabba I27, I30, I3I
gantha-dhura 3S, 104-5
garut;la I27
garu-dhamma, eight 90-I
Gautama/Gotama 14, IS, 27, 29,
32-3, 224, 227, 233'
Gelug (dGelugs) school 20I, 27I-2
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