The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

Khemaka 162
Khmer kingdom 256
Khmer Rouge 257
'Khon dKon-mchog rGyal-po 271
'Khon family 271
Khri Srong-lde-brtsan 266
Khuddaka Nikaya 44, 254
killing so, 71, 89, 102, 170, 173
King, W. L. 200
Kirti Sri Rajaslip.ha 255
knowledge 32, 36; non-conceptual
247; obstacle to 243; three
knowledges 22; see also wisdom
Korea I, 40, sS, 86, 257, 258, 260,
276; see also East Asian Buddhism
koan 262
Kiikai 261
Kumarajiva 260
Kun-dga'-snying-po 266
kuiala/kusala, see wholesome

La Vallee Poussin, L. de 274
Lalitavistara 17
Lamotte, E. rs, 44, 274
lam rim 268
Lam rim chen mo 165, 271
Lmikavattira Sutra 226, 244, 252
Laos r, 58
lay community 39, 45, 47, 85, roo,
107-IO; relationship with Sangha
92-3, 101-3; see also uptisaka
Lhasa 26, 274
Lingwood, D. 275
Lokak~ema 255, 258
Lokanuvartana Siitra 227-8
Lotus Sutra 226, 228, 233, 264-5, 265
loving kindness, see maitrf
Lo-yang 258
Lumbini 19
Lii-tsung (Vinaya School) 260

~adhyamaka 3,57,78,20I,237-44,
274; prasangikalsvtitantrika 240
Madhyamaka-kiirika 57, 238-40, 242
Madhyanta-vibhtiga 244
~ahi'ideva, five points of 51, 54
~ahi'imaya 19

~ahi'imudra 270
~ahanikaya 257
~ahanama 254
mahiipadesa, four 46-7
Mahtiparinibbtina Sutta 26
Mahtiparinirvtirw Sutra 226, 252, 267
~ahiisa~p.ghikas 51-2, 54, 225
~ahavairocana 260
MahtiVa/'flSa IOI
Mahavastu 17, 226
Mahavedalla Sutta 47
~ahavihara 55,99,253,254,255
~ahayana r,2,3,4-5,3I,33,44,78,
125, r88, 201, 207, 224-52 passim,
250,254,255,258;defined 224;
origins of 225; Siitras 44, 56-8,
Mahtiytina-sa!Jlgraha 244
~ahinda 42, 254
~ahisasakas 54
~aitreya 233, 244, 252, 263
maitrT/mettti 26, 29,75-80, 94, ro8,
~ajjhima Nikaya 43

~alunkyaputta 66, 68, u2

mm:u;lala 26 r
~afijusri 233, 271
~antryayana 259, 260-1, 268;
see also tantra, Vajrayana
mappi5 264, 265
~ara 23-4,91, 114,2I9,25I
~arco Polo 273
margalmagga, see path
~ar-pa 270
matrkttlmatikti 40
~audgalyayana/~oggallana 25
meditation 3, 6, 10; calm (samatha/
samatha) 104, uo, III, I2I,
defined 174, I79; insight (vipsyantil
vipassanti) I2I, I87-98, 230, 235,
249, 275; and magical powers III,
185-6, 268; nine stages of calm
I82; relationship of calm and
insight I74-5, I98-2oi; Sangha
and 103-4; ten defilements of
insight I90-I
~egasthenes 273
~egha (Bodhisattva) r8, 226-8
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