The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

Meiji 107
Menander I39
merit (pwJyalpunna) IOI-4, II9,
I69; transference of 104, 109-IO
Meru, Mt. II8, I32
Middle Indo-Aryan xvii, 7, 4I, 42,
Milarepa (Mi-la Ras-pa) 270
Milindapanha I39, I69-70
Milinda I44
mindfulness (smrtilsati) I7I; of
breathing I77, 258; four
establishings of I92, I95-6, I97
Ming dynasty 269
miracle of the pairs 25, 202-3
Moggaliputtatissa 53
Mo-ho chih-kuan I65
momentariness 22I
monasteries 97-8, 106, IIO
Mongol Khan 10I
Mongolia I, 2, 40, 58, 273
Mongols 272
Mon kingdom 256
monks 85-I I I passim; forest/village
dwelling 98-IOO, 103, I05, 10'],
2oi; ordination of 37, 45, 49-50,
87-9; refuse-rag wearers 98-9;
requisites of 88; western 10, 25,
39,47,50,53, I68,238,274,276
muditii I87
Mulasarvastivadin Vinaya 86, 89,
Muller, F. M. 274
Mun,Acharn 92,234

Naga (serpent) 24, I27, I30, I31
Nagarjuna 44, 57, 237-44, 260
Nagasena I39, I44
Nairafijana/Nerafijana I5
Nalanda 244
Nandabala 22
Nanjio, Bunyiu 259
Naropa 270
nats 128
nembutsu 264
Nepal I, 7, I4, 276
never-returners (anagamin) 92, 102,
I94, I97
neyiirtha/neyyattha 207

New Zealand 275
Nichiren 260, 265-6, 275
Nidiinakathii I7
Niddesa 47
nihilism, Buddhist denial of I40, I44,
Nikayas 42, 47, 48, 57, 58, 207, 254,
nimitta (in meditation) I8I-3
nirmii!Ja-kiiya 232-3, 270 24,74-9,95, III,
II4, 126, I92, 199, 210, 230, 239;
aprati:fthita 232; craving for So;
see also
nirvedha-bhiiglya, four I88, I96-7
nisrayalnissaya, four 88
nltiirtha/nltattha 207
no self (aniitmanlanattii) 3, 6, 243;
arguments for I36-9; and
dependent arising 14I-2; and
insight meditation I87; problems
with 140; and rebirth I43-4; and
selfishness/selflessness I47; as
taught by the Buddha I59-62;
see also self
Norman, K. R. 53, I48
nuns 37,39,46,47,50,84,85,86,87,
90-I, I68
Nyanatiloka 274
Nyiiyiinusiira 206
Nying-ma (rNying-ma) 20I, 270
Odyssey 37
Old Indo-Aryan xvii, II
OlCott, H. S. 274
Oldenberg, H. 274
once returner (sakrd-/sakad-
iigiimamin) 92, I02, I94, I97
Padmasambhava 266
Pai-change, code of 107
Pali I, 4I
Pali Canon 40, 4I-2, 43, 45, 49, 55,
253, 254
Pali commentaries 38
Parpsukfilikas 98-9
papa II9
piiriijika, four 89
Parakrama Bahu I 255
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