Abnormal Psychology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

social desirability, 171–172
in social phobia, 283
Bibliotherapy, 141
Big Brother/Big Sister, 141
Binge drinking, 404–405
Binge eating, 439, 445, 452,
in borderline personality
disorder, 604
disorder, 446
Bingeing, 180
Biofeedback, 115
for generalized anxiety
disorder, 258
for sexual dysfunctions, 512
for somatoform disorders,
systematic desensitization vs.,
Biological factors, 25–26. See
also Neurological factors
assessment of, 89–94
in diathesis-stress model,
Biological markers, 543–544
Biomedical treatments, 111–117
Biopsychosocial approach,
Bipolar disorders, 191, 217–231
attention-defi cit/hyperactivity
disorder vs., 658
creativity and, 221–223
dissociative identity disorder
vs., 345
feedback loops in, 226–228,
230–231, 231f
hypomanic episodes in, 220
manic episodes in, 217–219
mixed episodes in, 219–220
neurological factors in,
224–225, 228–229
posttraumatic stress disorder
and, 320
psychological factors in, 226,
self-help groups for, 140
social factors in, 226, 230
treatment of, 228–231
type I, 220–221
type II, 220–221, 221t
Blackouts, 406
Blanks, Billy, 647
Blood alcohol concentration,
404, 405f
Blood-injection-injury specifi c
phobias, 290–291, 296
Bodily preoccupation, 353
Body dysmorphic disorder, 353,
anxiety disorders with, 251
treatment of, 374t, 375t
Body image
in anorexia nervosa, 437,
437f, 441
objectifi cation theory on,
risk of harm from, 7

sexual dysfunction and, 507
social factors and, 455–460
Body language
in Asperger’s disorder, 636
in schizophrenia, 523, 549
Body mass index (BMI),
456–457, 457f
Borderline intelligence, 98
Borderline personality disorder,
580, 599–608, 621–622
dialectical behavior therapy
for, 131
histrionic personality disorder
vs., 609
treatment of, 605–607
Boylan, Jenny Finney, 476, 488
Brain circuits, 38
Brain damage
neuropsychological testing
for, 93–94
in substance use disorders,
Brain injury
dementia due to, 709–710,
in dissociative amnesia,
in specifi c phobias, 293
Brain stimulation, 114–115
with children, 116
for depressive disorders, 212
for schizophrenia, 559
Brain structure and function,
26, 34–42
in Alzheimer’s disease,
706–707, 706f
in amnestic disorder,
697–698, 698f
in antisocial personality
disorder, 595–596
assessment of, 90–94
in attention-defi cit/
hyperactivity disorder,
in autism spectrum disorders,
bipolar disorders and,
in borderline personality
disorder, 602–603
cerebral cortex, 36–37
changing through brain
stimulation, 114–115
chemical signals in, 39–41
in conversion disorder,
in depersonalization disorder,
in depressive disorders, 199,
in dissociative identity
disorder, 345–346
dopamine reward system in,
395–398, 396f, 397f
in eating disorders, 448–450
emotion, temperament, and,

in gender identity disorder, 478
generalized anxiety disorder
and, 255
hormones and, 42
in hypnosis, 350–351
in hypochondriasis, 367–368
lobes of, 36, 36f
medications that change,
methamphetamine effects on,
397–398, 398f
nervous system, 35–37
neuropsychosocial approach
on, 28–29
neurosurgery and, 115
in obsessive-compulsive
disorder, 302–304, 303f
in panic disorder, 268–269
in personality disorders, 588
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 317–319
research challenges in,
in schizophrenia, 541–544
social phobia and, 281–282
in specifi c phobias, 292–294
stimulants and, 395–399
in substance use disorders,
395–399, 407–408
suicide and, 236
Brain systems, 38
Brandon, Teena, 476
Branson, Richard, 647
Brazile, Daphne C., 582
Breathing-related sleep disorder,
Breathing retraining, 258
for panic disorder, 273
for posttraumatic stress
disorder, 323–324
Breuer, Joseph, 331
Brief psychotic disorder, 529,
530, 534t
Broca’s aphasia, 687
Broca’s area, 318
Bulimia nervosa, 435, 442–447.
See also Eating disorders
behavior therapy for, 124, 125
bingeing in, 180
defi nition of, 442–443
dialectical behavior therapy
for, 132
impulsivity in, 386
Bullying, 64–65
Buprenorphine, 423
Buproprion, 422
Burnout, 103
Buspar, 257–258
Buspirone, 257–258

° C °
Callous and unemotional traits,
conduct disorder with, 651
Campbell, Earl, 247, 252, 261,
263, 267, 271, 274, 275,
Carbamazepine, 228

Case studies, 163–164
Castration, chemical, 492
Catapres, 423
Catastrophic attributions, in
depersonalization disorder,
Catastrophic exaggeration, 130t
Catastrophic thinking
in body dysmorphic disorder,
in hypochondriasis, 368–369
in panic disorder, 270–271
in somatization disorder, 357
Catatonia, 523
Catatonic features, 196
Catatonic schizophrenia, 527
Catecholamine hypothesis, 201
Categorical classifi cation
systems, 78
Categorical variables, 154
Causation, correlation vs.,
CBT. See Cognitive-behavior
therapy (CBT)
Celexa, 113, 308
Cell body, 38
Cell membrane, 38
Cell migration, 543
Central nervous system (CNS),
Cerebellum, 37, 37f
in eating disorders, 449
in schizophrenia, 542
Cerebral cortex, 36–37, 37f
Channels, cell membrane, 38
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 17
Chat rooms, therapy via, 133
Checking compulsions, 300
Chemical castration, 492
Child abuse
dangerousness and, 730
depersonalization disorder
and, 342
disruptive behavior disorders
and, 663–664
dissociative amnesia and, 337
dissociative identity disorder
and, 346, 347–348, 349
in personality disorders, 589
recovered memories of, 349
sexual dysfunction and, 507
somatization disorder and,
substance use disorders and,
Childhood disintegrative
disorder, 641
Childhood disorders, 625–679
communication disorders,
of disruptive behavior and
attention, 647–670
elimination disorders, 657f,
feeding and eating disorders,
learning disorders, 643–648


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