Abnormal Psychology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Madness: A Bipolar Life
(Hornbacher), 470
Magic, 264
Magical thinking, 585
Magic mushrooms, 390, 414
Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), 90
functional, 92, 292
Magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (MRS), 92–93
Mainlining, 413
Mainstreaming, 631
Maintenance stage, 425
Major depressive disorder
(MDD), 195–198
comorbidity with, 85
dysthymic disorder and,
suicide and, 234
Major depressive episodes
(MDEs), 192–195, 192t
Male erectile disorder, 496t,
500, 509, 510t
aging and, 513–514
Male orgasmic disorder, 496t,
Malingering, 96
conversion disorder vs., 363
dissociative identity disorder
vs., 345
pain disorder vs., 354–355
Malnutrition, 106, 408, 542–543.
See also Nutrition
Managed care, 147
Mandated outpatient
commitment, 735–737
Mania, 12
Manic-depression.See Bipolar
Manic episodes, 192t, 217–219
Manifest content, 120
Manual-based treatment, 182,
for eating disorders, 465–466,
MAOs.See Monoamine oxidase
inhibitors (MAOs)
Marianismo, 617
Marijuana, 414–415
neurological effects of,
416–417, 417f
schizophrenia and, 535–536
treatment of use of, 424
withdrawal from, 384
Marriage and family therapists
(M.F.T.s), 87, 87t
Maslow, Abraham, 21
Masochism, sexual, 483, 483t,
486, 487
Masters, William, 494
Masturbation, 473, 484
Maternal malnourishment,
Mathematics disorder, 643
Maudsley approach, 467
McCartney, Paul, 381, 382, 402
McGowin, Diana Friel, 702–703

MDMA (Ecstasy), 394
alcohol use and, 410, 411
in dissociative identity
disorder, 347, 348–349
in eating disorders, 456–457,
negative portrayals of mental
illness in, 77
Medical conditions
amnestic disorder from,
anorexia and, 439–440
bulimia and, 444–445
cognition affected by,
delirium from, 692–693
as psychological disorders in
DSM-IV-TR, 84–85
sexual dysfunction and,
somatoform disorders and,
substance abuse and, 413
Medicalization of sex therapy,
Medical model, 12, 25–26
for attention-defi cit/
hyperactivity disorder,
666–667, 668, 669f
for bipolar disorders, 228–229
for borderline personality
disorder, 606
CBT compared to, 213
for depressive disorders,
209–211, 213
for dissociative disorders, 349
for dissociative identity
disorder, 349
for eating disorders, 463–464
for generalized anxiety
disorder, 257–258
noncompliance with, 558
for obsessive-compulsive
disorder, 304
for panic disorder, 273
for paraphilias, 492
for personality disorders, 591
preventive, for schizophrenia,
racial/ethnic issues with,
for schizophrenia, 556–559
for sexual dysfunctions, 506,
for social phobia, 286–287,
for somatoform disorders, 373
for specifi c phobias, 296
for substance use disorders,
422–424, 430
for suicidal ideation, 241
that change brain functioning,
for younger and older
patients, 116–117

Meditation, 260
Medroxyprogesterone acetate,
Melancholic features, 196
Melancholy, 12
Memantine, 711
Memory, 54. See also Cognitive
defi cits
aging and, 683–684
aids to, 698–700
amnestic disorder and,
biased, in anxiety disorders, 24
disorders of in schizophrenia,
in dissociative identity
disorder, 345–346
emotions and bias in, 56–57
explicit, 683
implicit, 683
mood-congruent memory bias
in, 170
in obsessive-compulsive
disorder, 305
recall in, 683–684
recovered, 349, 350
working, 99, 684–685
Menbutal, 406–407
Mendel, Gregor, 42–43
Mendelian inheritance, 42–43
Menopause, 498, 500
Menstruation, suppression of in
eating disorders, 437, 441
exacerbation of autism, 163
Mental contents, 21, 54–55
emotions and, 56–57
Mental disorders. See Abnormal
Mental fi ltering, 130t
Mental fi lters, 54t
Mental health professionals,
Mental processes, 21, 53–54
emotions and, 56–57
Mental processes, clinical
assessment of, 95
Mental retardation, 626–632
in autism, 634
dementia vs., 703
DSM-IV-TR classifi cation
of, 80
education and, 631–632
mild, 626–627, 627f
moderate, 627, 627f
pervasive developmental
disorders with, 632–633
profound, 627, 627f
severe, 627, 627f
Mental status exams, 97–98
Meperidine hydrochloride, 412
Mescaline, 414
Mesmer, Franz, 14–15
Mesmerism, 14–15
Meta-analysis, 166, 167t
on eating disorders, 468
of panic disorder, 273

Methadone, 423
Methamphetamine, 393,
397–398, 398f
Methylphenidate, 116
Military service, 65
conversion disorder and, 365
dissociative amnesia and, 337
dissociative disorders and, 334
dissociative fugue and,
dissociative identity disorder
and, 350–351
panic disorder and, 270
posttraumatic stress disorder
and, 319
suicide and, 239, 242, 242f
Mind reading, 130t
Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory
(MMPI-2), 99–100, 100t,
101f, 509
Mirtazapine, 211, 286
Misinterpretations, in delirium,
Mitchell, Brian David, 532, 728
Mixed episodes, 192t, 219–220
MMPI-2.See Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI-2)
M’Naghten test, 722, 724t
Mnemonics, 698–699
M’Nghten test, 722
Modeling.See Observational
Monoamine oxidase (MAO),
59, 209
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
(MAOIs), 113, 209–210
Monozygotic twins, 45
Mood, 56, 57
expansive, 217–218, 219
in major depressive episode,
rapid cycling of, 221
Mood-congruent memory bias,
Mood disorders, 191–245
anxiety disorders with, 251
bipolar, 191
defi nition of, 191–192
delirium vs., 691
depressive, 192–216
differential diagnosis of, 224f
neurological factors in,
personality disorders and, 592
psychotic symptoms in,
schizophrenia with, 534
Mood stabilizers, 228
Moral treatment, 15–16
in learning disorders, 646
psychoanalytic theory on,
17, 19
in substance use disorders,


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