Abnormal Psychology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


stigma of receiving, 144
for substance use disorders,
technology in, 132–134
of younger and older
populations, 116–117,
Treatment of Depression
Collaborative Research
Program, 181–182
Trephination, 11f
Triazolam, 407
Tricyclic antidepressants
(TCAs), 113, 181
for depressive disorders, 209
for panic disorder, 273
Triggers, 126, 465. See also
True alarms, 269
Tryptophan, 450
Twelve-step facilitation (TSF),
140, 427–428, 428t
Twin studies, 45
on alcohol abuse, 409
on depressive disorders,
on dissociative identity
disorder, 346–347
on eating disorders, 450
on gender identity disorder,
on panic disorder, 269
on posttraumatic stress
disorder, 318, 319
on schizophrenia, 546

° U °

Unconditional positive regard,
Unconditioned response (UCR),
49, 49f

Unconditioned stimulus (UCS),
49, 49f
Unconscious, the, 17–18
Undifferentiated schizophrenia,
Unemployment, substance use
disorders and, 389
Unstructured interviews, 94
Urban, Keith, 75f
Utermohlen, William, 707

° V °
Vaginismus, 496t, 503–504,
510t, 512
Validation, 138
Validity, 77, 78, 89, 101
external, 159
internal, 159
Validity scales, 99
Valium, 114, 404, 407
Variables, 154
confounding, 157–158, 166
dependent, 156–158, 175,
independent, 156–158, 175
in researching treatments, 175
treatment-related, 177t
Vascular dementia, 707–708,
Vegetative signs, 193
Venlafaxine, 211, 258, 286
Verbal comprehension, 99
Viagra, 510, 513–514
Vicodin, 412
Victimization, second-hand, 317
Video chats, therapy through,
dangerousness and, 730–738
disruptive behavior disorders
and, 664

prevalence of, 731f
schizophrenia and, 539
Virtual reality exposure, 124,
Vocational rehabilitation, 562
Vomiting, chronic, 444. See also
Bulimia nervosa
Voyeurism, 483t, 485

° W °
Wagner, Pamela Spiro, 521, 527
WAIS-IV. See Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV)
Wait-list control groups,
179–180, 179f
Walls, Jeannette, 71–73, 88, 97
Walls, Rex and Rose Mary,
71–74, 88, 94, 96–97, 102,
War, 65
Washing compulsions, 300
Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia
and Bulimia (Hornbacher),
435, 470
Watson, James, 43
Watson, John B., 22
Webdale, Kendra, 717, 721,
729, 735–737
Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale (WAIS-IV), 98–99
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC-IV), 98–99
eating disorders and thoughts
about, 451
fear of gaining, 441
refusal to maintain healthy,
438, 441
Wellstone-Domenici Mental
Health Parity Act (2008),

Wentz, Pete, 75f
Wernicke’s aphasia, 687
Willis, Francis, 15, 15f
Wind overload, 264
WISC-IV. See Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC-IV)
Witchcraft, 13, 264
Withdrawal, in substance abuse,
384, 692
Withdrawal emotions, 58
Wolpe, Joseph, 122
Women for Sobriety, 429
Word salad, 522–523
Workaholics, 617, 618
Working memory, 99, 524,
World Health Organization
(WHO), 78–79
Wright, Lois, 33–34
Wyatt v. Stickney, 739

° X °
Xanax, 114, 273, 407
X-rays, 90

° Y °
Yates, Andrea, 724

° Z °
Zeigarnik effect, 492
Zen Buddhist approach, 132,
Zimbabwe, healers in,
Zoloft, 113, 209, 286,
308, 323
Zyban, 422
Zygotes, 45
Zyprexa, 229
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