(^280) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified
Ask the patient about history of claustrophobia: closed machines are somewhat
restrictive, while open machines are less claustrophobic. Tests typically last 60
minutes or longer.
This is an injection of contrast medium into the subarachnoid space of the spine to
allow for better visualization of the vertebral column, intervertebral discs, and
spinal nerves. This is done when the patient is not a candidate for MRI or CT scan.
Posttesting, the patient typically is sitting to keep the contrast medium low in
the spinal column, away from the brain.
Sound waves are used to generate an image. This is done to determine the pres-
ence and location of mass, fluid, or surgical hardware.
- Patients who work in settings that require repetition of the same hand
movements over a long period of time have an increased risk for which of
the following disorders?
(a) osteomyelitis.
(b) osteoporosis.
(c) carpal tunnel syndrome.
(d) facture of the overused area. - You are caring for a patient who has just had open carpal tunnel release sur-
gery. The surgeon has requested that the patient’s hand and arm remain ele-
vated above the level of the heart after the surgery. This is to:
(a) reduce lymphatic drainage.
(b) reduce postoperative swelling.
(c) restrict hand movements.
(d) decrease possibility of nosocomial infection.