CHAPTER 10 Integumentary System^407
- Radiation used to kill cancer cells in melanoma.
- Chemotherapy, using drugs to kill the melanoma cells.
- Impaired skin integrity
- Body image disturbance
- Stay out of the sun when its rays are the strongest.
- Avoid tanning salons.
- Wear sunscreen.
- Wear sun-protective clothing.
- Check the skin regularly for new moles, as well as changes in existing moles,
freckles, and birthmarks. - Medications may make the skin more sensitive to sunlight.
Cellulitis is an infection of the skin, caused by bacteria that enter the skin through
an opening. The legs are the most common site of cellulitis, although it may occur
anywhere bacteria enters. The most common bacteria are streptococcus and staphy-
lococcus. Bacteria may enter through fissures in the feet from fungal infections,
through cracks in dry skin, from insect bites, or cuts from shaving. The elderly,
immunocompromised patients, and patients with lymphedema, diabetes, or poor
circulation are at greatest risk.
If treatment is started early, the prognosis is good. If the symptoms don’t begin
to resolve or the infection is on the face or widespread, hospitalization and IV anti-
biotics are needed. A severe cellulitis of deep tissue, necrotizing fasciitis, is caused
by a streptococcal bacteria and is considered a medical emergency.