ABG:A test that measures the arterial blood gas.
ANA complement:Antinuclear antibody test that measures the amount of auto-
immune antibodies.
antecubital fossa:Triangular cavity of the elbow joint.
AST/ALT:Enzymes released by liver tissue when the liver is damaged. Their levels
are used as a measure of liver function.
BNP:A test that measures the presence and severity of heart failure.
Bradycardia:A heart rate lower than 60 beats per minute.
cardiac troponin levels: A troponin test checks for elevated levels of these proteins
which are released when there is damage to the heart or skeletal muscle.
Cardiomyopathy:A disease of the heart muscle.
Complete Blood Count (CBC):A test used to determine the general health of the
CK isoenzymes:Enzymes released if there is damage to the heart muscle.
CK-MB:An enzyme released by damaged cardiac tissue 2 to 6 hours following an
Creatine Kinase (CK):Enzyme released if there is damage to the heart muscle.
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