Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^582) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified
Creatinine:A waste product from protein metabolism and muscle that is removed by
the kidneys in urine. Creatinine is tested to determine kidney function.
CXR:Chest x-ray.
DVT: Deep vein thrombosis.
endocarditis antibiotic prophylaxis:Antibiotic given to prevent a bacterial infection.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): See sed rate.
Fowler’s position:A position where the client is semi-sitting with knees flexed.
Guaiac:A test to locate hidden (occult) blood in stool.
Hypoxia:Decreased oxygen to tissues.
Internationalized Normalized Ratio (INR):A medical blood test used to determine
the coagulation capability of a patient’s blood.
Ischemia:Reduced blood flow due to an obstructed vessel.
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH):Enzymes released when there is tissue damage in the
heart, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, or lungs.
LDH isoenzymes:A test to check the level of lactate dehydrogenase in the blood.
Myoglobin:A protein in the heart and skeletal muscles. A rising level of myoglobin
is an early indication of a myocardial infarction.
NPO:Nothing by mouth.
Partial Throboplastin Time (PTT):A medical blood test used to measure the coagula-
tion capability of a patient’s blood.
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI):Commonly referred to as angioplasty
where the diameter of a narrow blood vessel is increased.
Prothrombin Time (PT):A medical blood test used to determine the coagulant capa-
bility of the patient’s blood.
PT/PTT/INR:Tests that help detect and diagnose bleeding disorders. Also used to
determine the effectiveness of anticoagulants.
RA: Rheumatoid arthritis.
radiopaque dye:Makes structures visible on x-rays.
sed rate:The rate at which red blood cells settle in a test tube. A high rate indicates
Troponins:Proteins in cardiacand skeletal muscles.
Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency:A lack of a liver protein that leads to emphysema
and liver disease.

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