Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1


Beta 2-agonist:A bronchodilator that relaxes muscles around the airway thereby
opening the airway during an asthma attack or in COPD.

Cardiac glycoside: Medication that improves cardiac output and reduces distention
of the heart.

Caseous granulomas:Destructive tissue that enters the bronchus causing tuberculous

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):A lung disease where excess mucus
in the airways interferes with gas exchange in the lungs resulting in frequent coughing.

Computerized Tomography (CT) scan:A three-dimensional image of the body
structure created from a series of cross sectional images of the patient.

D-dimer:A blood test to diagnose conditions that cause hypercoagulability, a tendency
to produce inappropriate blood clots.

Eosinophils:White blood cells that respond to allergic diseases,parasitic infections,
and other disorders.

Exudate:Fluid from the circulatory system that enters into areas of inflammation.

FEV 1 : A measurement of the volume of air exhaled in the first second.

Ghon’s complex: Infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that usually
results in primary tuberculosis.

Granulomaous:Inflamed granulation tissue associated with ulcerated infections.

Helical CT scan:Computerized tomography scan produced by a scanner with a con-
tinuously rotating gantry. This innovation enabled a very quick scan time.

Histamine:A substance that is released from mast cells that causes itching, sneezing,
and nasal congestion related to an allergic reaction.

Incentive spirometer: A device that improves the functioning of lungs by exercising
breathing muscles. It is used to prevent development of pneumonia following surgery.

Indurated area:A raised thick or hardening area.

Induration: The process of becoming extremely firm or hard.

Leukotrienes:A substance, released by mast cells during an allergic reaction, which
constricts the bronchial passages in an asthma attack.

Mast cells:These are cells that make and release histamine during an allergic reaction.

Mediastinum:The middle section of the chest cavity.

Pulmonary Function Test (PFT):A test that measures how well the lungs take in
and exhale air and how efficiently they transfer oxygen into the blood.

Postural drainage:The patient is positioned with the head lower than the chest
allowing gravity to clear secretions from the lungs.

Prostaglandins:A hormone-like substance that dilates and constricts blood vessels as
well as contracts and relaxes smooth muscles during an immune response.

Serous fluid:Pale yellow and transparent body fluid.

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