Results of cross-tabulation used as raw data
Row and column scores plotted
on a correspondence map
Cumulative proportion explained by
the number of dimensions calculated
Contribution of row points to the
inertia of each dimension calculated
Contribution of column points to the
inertia of each dimension calculated
Row scores calculated Column scores calculated
204 The Marketing Book
3 In the case of a new product that differs
substantially from its principal competitors, the
same elements cannot be used for aggregating
4 The effects of promotion and distribution
effort on competitive reaction are not
5 Perceptions from a concept statement and
those from the actual product may differ.
6 New products may take several years to reach
the market, during which time customer
preferences and competitive products may
have undergone substantial changes. Conjoint
analysis has been applied widely on consumer
research (Vriens, 1994), in advertising
evaluation (Stanton and Reese, 1983) and
other commercial uses (Cattin and Wittink,
Correspondence analysis
Correspondence analysis (CA) is a visual or
graphical technique for representing multi-
dimensional tables. It can often be impossible to
identify any relationships in a table and very
difficult to account for what is happening.
Correspondence analysis unravels the table and
presents data in an easy-to-understand chart.
One approach for generating maps uses cross-
classification data (e.g. brands rated as having
or not having a set of attributes) as a basis
(Hoffman and Franke, 1986). In this approach
both brands and attributes are simultaneously
portrayed in a single space. This technique is
particularly useful to identify market segments,
track brand image, position a product against
its competition, and determine who non-res-
pondents in a survey most closely resemble.
Correspondence analysis shows the relation-
ships between rows and columns of a corre-
spondence or a cross-tabulation table. This
method can be used for analysing binary,
discrete or/and continuous data. CA belongs to
the family of multidimensional scaling tech-
niques and could be employed to scale a matrix
of non-negative data to represent points
Figure 9.3 Procedural steps for correspondence analysis