The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Wage level

Quantitative methods in marketing 209

Many variables can be added to a regres-
sion analysis. We merely add more terms into
the model. A multiple OLS regression model
with k variables can be represented by the

Y=+ 1 X 1 + 2 X 2 + 3 X 3 + 4 X 4

+... + kXk+
In the above equation, the variable Yis
predicted using information from all of the X
variables. This could be wages predicted by
gender, education, type of work, location,
experience, etc. The effect that each variable has
on wage is assessed whilst controlling for all
other variables. The output from an OLS
regression is given in Tables 9.2 and 9.3, and
shows how such a model can be interpreted.

Which data can be used in OLS regression?
OLS regression can be used to model response
variables (Yvariables) which are recorded on at
least an interval scale (i.e. continuous variables
such as age, output and wages). Explanatory
variables (the Xvariables) can be continuous or
ordered and unordered categorical data pro-
vided that they are coded appropriately). In
short, OLS regression is used to model con-
tinuous data from all other types of data.

 OLS regression uses linear equations, as these
are relatively easy to formulate and work with.
 Non-linear relationships can be modelled using
linear equations if transformations are applied
to the data.

Single regressions:
Wage level
=a +  Education
Area = A + B:R^2 = 0.76

Wage level = a + Gender
Area = B + C:R^2 = 0.47

Multivariate regression:
Wage level
=a +  1 Education =  2 Gender
Area = A + B + C:R^2 = 0.79

Figure 9.6 Venn diagram representing multivariate
OLS regression

Table 9.2 ANOVAa

Model Sum of

df Mean

F Sig.

1 Regression 123.581 8 15.448 9.919 0.000b
Residual 722.617 464 1.557
Total 846.199 472

aDependent Variable: SSAT.
bPredictors (Constant): SH_TESC, REGR factor score 3 for analysis 1, REGR factor score 2 for analysis 1,
SH_SOLO, SH_ASDA, REGR factor score 4 for analysis 1, REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1, SH_SAINS.
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