210 The Marketing Book
When there are a number of factors affecting
the variable we wish to model, a multiple
regression can be used.
Response variables need to be interval, but
with appropriate coding, any explanatory
variables can be included.
Logistic regression
Quite often we may wish to model a binary
variable, such as male–female, etc. For such
analyses, it is not appropriate to use OLS
regression as the data are not linear – we have
to use logistic regression.
Similar to OLS regression, a whole range of
useful statistics can be computed, including
standard errors, confidence and prediction
intervals. We are not limited by the traditional
statistics which can only provide group
The logistic regression model
As with OLS regression, we can use any
number of explanatory variables, variables
which can be interval or categorical. The same
considerations apply to the data as with mul-
tiple OLS regression. All the power that is
available in traditional OLS regression is also
available in logistic regression – there should be
no need to ever compute a test which assesses
group differences (t-test, Mann–Whitney, Wil-
coxon, ANOVA, etc.).
The basic form of the model is identical to
OLS regression. The only difference is in the
interpretation of the parameters. A logistic
regression can be represented as:
Y=+ 1 X 1 + 2 X 2 + 3 X 3 + 4 X 4
+... + kXk+
An example of a logistic regression
The data in Tables 9.4–9.6 are taken from a
recent study into consumer behaviour. The
variables have been selected for the purpose of
demonstration and not to provide a ‘good’
Binary response variables have a non-linear
S-shaped distribution.
Table 9.3 Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized coefficients
B Std. Error
t Sig.
1 (Constant) 4.888 0.102 48.115 0.000
Quality 0.308 0.061 0.234 5.017 0.000
Other Services –3.06E-03 0.062 –0.002 –0.050 0.961
Value brands 4.524E-03 0.059 0.003 0.077 0.939
Car facilities –3.44E-02 0.064 –0.026 –0.534 0.594
SH_ASDA 0.851 0.277 0.142 3.076 0.002
SH_SAINS 0.795 0.214 0.178 3.710 0.000
SH_SOLO 9.928E-02 0.253 0.018 0.393 0.694
SH_TESC 0.725 0.137 0.270 5.297 0.000
aDependent Variable: SSAT.