212 The Marketing Book
This distribution can be modelled using a linear
equation once it has been transformed.
The model-building approach of the logistic
regression provides much more detailed
analysis of data than can be obtained using a
t-test, ANOVA, Mann–Whitney or
The linear component of the model is the
same as that used for the OLS regression.
Log-linear analysis
GLMs can also be used to model categorical
data (i.e. data in the form of contingency
tables). The traditional method of analysing
such data is to interpret bar charts and to use
the chi-square statistic as part of the cross-
tabs procedure. These methods have severe
limitations as they can only deal with two
variables and cannot model the data to pro-
vide predictions. The same considerations
apply to contingency table data as applied to
OLS regression regarding the problems of
interaction variables (e.g. wages, education
and gender).
A log-linear analysis enables much more
information to be obtained from the data and
also enables statistics to assess the overall fit of
the model. As the log-linear name suggests, it is
a technique which makes use of the linear
model and a transformation involving the
natural log. Similar to OLS and logistic regres-
sion, the form of model is a linear
ln(cell count) = + 1 X 1 + 2 X 2 + 3 X 3
The form of the log-linear model is very
similar to the previous models discussed – the
only difference is that we are now modelling
cell counts. In effect, all of the terms in the
model have been moved to the right-hand side
of the equation. Parameters from the model are
similar to the other models, but are interpreted
slightly differently.
The log-linear model is very similar to the
OLS and logistic regression models.
All of the advantages of OLS regression, such
as being able to compute model fits, make
predictions and investigate complex
interactions, also apply to log-linear.
It enables analysis of multi-category,
multi-group data – something not possible
using chi-square.
Discriminant analysis
Like regression analysis, discriminant analysis
(DA) uses a linear equation to predict the
dependent variable (say, sales). However, while
in regression analysis the parameters (coeffi-
cients) are used to minimize the sum of squares,
in discriminant analysis the parameters are
selected in such a way as to maximize the ratio:
Variance between group means
Variance within groups
Discriminant analysis is used in marketing
for predicting brand loyalty and buying or
attempting to predict consumer behaviour in
general; this classification method can be used
when the data (the independent variables) are
interval scales.
Automatic interaction detection
The regression analysis mentioned above
attempts to identify association between the
dependent and the independent variables, one
at a time. In addition, the assumption is that the
data are measured on interval scales. In many
other marketing research situations we need a
method able to handle nominal orordinal data
and to identify allthe significant relationships
between the dependent and the independent
variables. Automatic interaction detection
(AID) is a computer-based method for inter-
actively selecting the independent variables in