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Table 9.4 Model, block and step data
Chi-square df Significance
Model 41.781 7 0.0000
Block 41.781 7 0.0000
Step 41.781 7 0.0000
Table 9.5 Classification table for SH_TESC (the cut value is 0.50)
Predicted Per cent correct
0.00 1.00
0I 1
Observed + ----------------------------------------------------------+
0.00 0 I 174 I 90 I 65.91
+ ----------------------------------------------------------+
1.00 1 I 97 I 120 I 55.30
+ ----------------------------------------------------------+
Overall 61.12
Table 9.6 Variables in the equation
Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig. R Exp (B)
F1_QUAL 0.3573 0.1099 10.5612 1 0.0012 0.1137 1.4294
F2_OTHER –0.0296 0.1018 0.0844 1 0.7715 0.0000 0.9709
F3_CHOIC –0.2022 0.0989 4.1801 1 0.0409 –0.0574 0.8169
F4_CAR 0.2799 0.1018 7.5586 1 0.0060 0.0916 1.3231
DIS_CAT 7.6330 3 0.0542 0.0497
DIS_CAT(1) 0.6929 0.8451 0.6722 1 0.4123 0.0000 1.9996
DIS_CAT(2) 1.2199 0.8257 2.1825 1 0.1396 0.0166 3.3869
DIS_CAT(3) 1.5018 0.9169 2.6824 1 0.1015 0.0321 4.4896
Constant –1.3027 0.8175 2.5393 1 0.1110