Contributors xxvii
Gordon R. Foxallis Distinguished Research Professor at Cardiff University. He has a first degree from
the University of Salford, where he won the Final Year Course Prize for Social Science. His master’s
degree, in management, is from the same university. He is also a graduate of the University of
Birmingham (PhD in industrial economics and business studies) and of the University of Strathclyde
(PhD in psychology), and holds a higher doctorate of the University of Birmingham (DSocSc). He is
the author of some 16 books on consumer behaviour and related themes, including the monograph
Marketing Psychology: The Paradigm in the Wings(Macmillan, 1997) and the best-selling text Consumer
Psychology for Marketing, co-authored with Ron Goldsmith and Stephen Brown (Thomson, 1998). He
has just edited Consumer Behaviour Analysis: Critical Perspectives(Routledge, 2002). In addition, he has
authored numerous refereed articles, chapters and papers on consumer behaviour and marketing. His
other professorial appointments were at the Universities of Strathclyde, Birmingham and Keele, and
he has also held posts at Cranfield University and the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He has
held visiting appointments at the Universities of Michigan, Guelph, South Australia and UMIST, and
is currently a visiting professor at De Montfort and Keele Universities. A Fellow of both the British
Psychological Society and the British Academy of Management, he was recently elected an
Academician of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences. Professor Foxall’s research
interests lie in marketing theory and consumer psychology.
Susan Hart, is a Professor of Marketing and Head of the Department of Marketing at the University
of Strathclyde. After working in industry in France and the UK, she joined the University of
Strathclyde as a researcher. She completed her PhD on the subject of product management and has
published widely on subjects such as the contribution of marketing to competitive success, and
product design and development in the manufacturing industry. Current research interests are in
the development of new products and innovation, the contribution of marketing to company
success, loyalty marketing, and accounting for marketing performance.
Gerard Hastingsis Professor of Social Marketing in the Department of Marketing at the University
of Strathclyde. His research interests are in social marketing, and he is the founder and Director of
the Centre for Social Marketing (CSM). CSM is a self-funded research unit which investigates the
applicability of marketing ideas to the solution of health and social problems, as well as monitoring
the potentially harmful effects of commercial marketing. Current funders include the World Health
Organization, the Home Office and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Professor Hastings is
also the Director of the Cancer Research UK-funded Centre for Tobacco Control Research, which
investigates the effectiveness of different models of tobacco control. Professor Hastings has
published widely in journals such as the British Medical Journal, the British Dental Journal, the Journal
of Advertising and the European Journal of Marketing. He has served as a non-executive director of
Forth Valley Health Board and SACRO, was a member of the OECD Expert Committee on Social
Marketing, and a consultant to the Home Office Drugs Prevention Initiative, the EU and WHO. He
is currently on the Editorial Boards of Health Promotion International, the Health Education Journal and
Social Marketing Quarterly.
of organizations over 25 years. He has co-authored six books and has over 100 other publications,
appearing in a range of journals including Journal of Marketing Management,European Journal of
Marketing,International Journal of AdvertisingandJournal of Marketing Communications. He is on the
Editorial Board of eight academic journals and is Managing Editor of Journal of Consumer Behaviour:
An International Research Review. He is an academic prize winner at the International Marketing
Communications Conference and the Academy of Marketing.