The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1
Situation Analysis

Market segmentation
and targeting

Set objectives

Marketing mix:

  • Product

  • Price

  • Promotion

  • Place

M A R K E T / C O N S U M E R R E S E A R C H

Formulation of strategy


Monitoring and evaluation

Social marketing 701

Zaltman (1975) suggested a sixfold classifica-
tion of the types of change sought in social
marketing, that incorporate three levels: (i) the
micro level (the individual consumer); (ii) the
group level (group or organization); and (iii)

the macro level (society). This perspective also
permitted short- and long-term forms of behav-
iour change (see Table 27.1).
The importance of moving ‘upstream’ and
tackling the contextual influences on health and

Figure 27.2 A social marketing plan for road safety
Source: Hastings and Elliot, 1993.

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