English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

radioactive: radioactive
radioaficionado: radio ham
radiocasete: radio cassette
radiocontrol: remote control
radiodespertador: clock radio
radiodifusión: broadcasting; broadcast
radioescucha: radio listener
radiofonía: radio; radiophony
radiofónico: radio; radiophonic
radiografía: radiography; X-ray
radiografiar: to X-ray
radiología: radiology
radiólogo: radiologist
radionovela: radio soap opera
radiorreceptor: radio receiver; wireless set
radiorreloj: clock radio
radiotaxi: taxi with radio link
radiotelefonía: radiotelephony; radio
radioteléfono: radiotelephone
radiotelegrafía: radiotelegraphy
radiotelegrafista: wireless operator; radio operator
radioterapia: radiotherapy
radioyente: listener
RAE: Real Academia Española
raer: to scrape; to scrape off; to wear out; to extirpate
ráfaga: gust; burst; hail; flash; small cloud
rafia: raffia
raglán: raglan
raído: threadbare; frayed; worn; barefaced; shameless
raigambre: tradition; root system; intertwined roots; rootedness
rail: rail
raíz: root; stem
raja: slice; crack; slit; split
rajá: rajah
rajado: split; wimp; chicken; cowardly
rajar: to crack; to slice; to slash; to split; to rend; to chat; to brag
rajarse: to crack; to chicken out; to run away; to split; to crack
rajatabla: a rajatabla: to the letter; strictly
ralea: kind; sort; nature; race; breed
ralentí: neutral; in slow motion
rallado: grated; grating
rallador: grater
ralladura: grating; mark left by a grater
rallar: to grate
rally: rally
ralo: thin; sparse
rama: branch; bough; chase; andarse por las ramas: to beat about the bush
Ramadán: Ramadan
ramaje: branches; branchage
ramal: branch; strand; flight; halter; minor road
ramalazo: giveaway sign; fit; stab of pain; lash with a rope

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