English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

rasero: strickle; medir por el mismo rasero: to make no differences
rasgado: ripped; torn; almond-shaped
rasgadura; tear; rip; tearing; rent
rasgar: to tear; to tear open; to rip; to rend
rasgarse: to tear; to rip; to become torn
rasgo: trait; feature; characteristic; gesture; flourish; stroke; deed; feat; act; action; rasgos:
features; handwriting; a grandes rasgos: in general terms
rasgón: tear; rip; rent
rasguear: to strum; to flourish
rasguñar: to scratch; to sketch; to outline
rasguñarse: to scratch oneself
rasguño: scratch; graze; sketch; outline
raso: flat; level; low; clear; cloudless; satin; soldado raso: private; al raso: in the open air
raspa: backbone; bone; corncob; unpleasant person; unpleasant; nasty; awn; beard
raspado: scrape; scraping
raspadura: scraping; scratch; erasure
raspar: to scrape; to graze; to shave; to sand down; to erase; to be harsh to the palate
rasparse: to scrape
raspón: scratch
rasponazo: scratch
rasposo: rough; shabby; scruffy
rasqueta: scraper; currycomb
rastras: a rastras: dragging; unwillingly
rastreador: tracker
rastrear: to track; to trace; to trail; to scent out; to drag; to comb; to follow; to search for; to
rake; to skim the ground; to fly very low
rastrero: despicable; cringing; grovelling; abject; low; base; creeping; dragging; trailing; flying
rastrillar: to rake up; to rake; to hackle; to hatchel
rastrillo: rake; flea market; jumble sale; portcullis; iron gate; hackle; hatchel; ward
rastro: trail; trace; track; scent; vestige; sign; flea market; rake
rastrojo: stubble; haulm
rasuradora: electric razor
rasurar: to shave
rasurarse: to shave
rata: rat; swine; miser; skinflint; mean; stingy; sneak thief
ratero: petty thief; pickpocket; pilferer; sneak thief
raticida: rat poison
ratificar: to ratify
ratificarse: to stand by; to be confirmed; to be ratified
ratio: ratio
rato: while; short time; time; pasar el rato: to kill time; pasar un mal rato: to have a hard time
of it; ratos libres: spare time
ratón: mouse
ratonera: mousetrap; trap; mousehole; nest of mice; hovel
raudal: torrent; abundance; flood; stream; string
raudo: swift; rapid; impetuous
ravioli: ravioli
raya: line; stripe; parting; part; crease; limit; boundary; frontier; scratch; stroke; ray; skate; dash;
pay; wages
rayado: striped; lined; ruled; scratched; rifled; ruling; stripes

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