English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

rambla: boulevard; avenue; seafront; esplanade; watercourse; sandy or dry ravine; tenter
ramera: whore; hooker; prostitute; harlot; strumpet
ramificación: ramification; branch; branching off; repercussion; consequence
ramificarse: to branch out; to subdivide into; to ramify
ramillete: bunch; bouquet; nosegay; posy; centerpiece; epergne; ornamental dish of sweets;
collection of choice things
ramo: bunch; cluster; bouquet; branch; bough; industry; touch; slight attack
rampa: ramp; steep incline; cramp
ramplón: ordinary; vulgar; uncouth; run-of-the-mill; heavy; coarse; calk
rana: frog; ranula; salir rana: to be a disappointment
ranchera: popular Mexican song; estate car; station wagon
ranchero: rancher; ranchman; kitchen attendant
rancho: ranch; mess; cooked meal for soldiers or prisoners; shack; hut; rustic cottage; settlement
made of huts; coterie
rancio: rancid; ancient; mellow; stale; rank; old; antiquated; old-fashioned
ranglán: raglan
rango: rank; standing; class; order; sort
ránking: ranking
ranura: slot; groove; rabbet
rapacidad: rapacity
rapapolvo: ticking-off; telling-off; scolding; dressing down
rapar: to shave; to shave off; to crop
raparse: to shave one's head
rapaz: lad; boy; rapacious; of prey; greedy; rapaces: birds of prey
rapaza: girl
rape: angler fish; monkfish; cortar al rape: to crop somebody's hair
rapé: snuff; rappee
rápel: abseiling
rapidez: speed; rapidity; quickness; swiftness
rápido: quick; fast; quickly; rapid; rápidos: rapids
rapiña: robbery with violence; looting; rapine; ave de rapiña: bird of prey
raposa: fox; vixen
rappel: abseiling
rapsodia: rhapsody
raptar: to abduct; to kidnap; to ravish
rapto: abduction; kidnapping; ravishment; rapture; ecstasy; fit
raptor: kidnapper; abductor; ravisher
raqueta: racquet; racket; bat; paddle; snowshoe; rake
raquítico: rachitic; thin; emaciated; stunted; small; feeble; poor; short; meagre; stinted;
raquitismo: rachitism; rickets
rareza: rarity; rareness; odd way; oddity; strangeness; curiosity; freak; peculiarity; eccentricity
raro: strange; odd; weird; unusual; rare; infrequent; scarce
ras: level; evenness; flushness
rasante: gradient; slope; grazing
rasca: cold
rascacielos: skyscraper
rascador: scraper; scratcher; ornamental hairpin
rascar: to scratch; to scrape; to scrub; to be rough
rascarse: to scratch oneself
rasera: fish slice; skimmer

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