refrendar: to countersign; to visé
refrescante: refreshing; cooling
refrescar: to refresh; to cool; to refrigerate; to freshen; to brush up on; to be refreshing; to get
cooler; to get a drink
refresco: soft drink; refreshment; cool drink
refriega: skirmish; fight; brawl; fray; combat; affray; encounter
refrigeración: refrigeration; cooling system; air conditioning
refrigerador: refrigerator; refrigerating
refrigerante: refrigerating; cooling bath
refrigerar: to refrigerate; to cool; to refresh; to air-conditioning
refrigerio: snack; refreshments; relief; comfort
refrito: fried again; too fried; rehash; sauce made from fried garlic, onion, tomato and other
refuerzo: reinforcement; strengthening; support; reforzar:
refugiado: refugee
refugiar: to shelter; to give refuge
refugiarse: to take refuge; to take shelter
refugio: refuge; shelter; asylum
refulgente: brilliant; shining; refulgent
refulgir: to shine brightly
refundir: to recast; to remelt; to adapt; to rehash; to lose
refundirse: to get lost
refunfuñar: to grumble; to growl
refunfuñón: grumpy
refutable: refutable
refutación: refutation; refutal
refutar: to refute
regadera: watering can; watering pot; shower
regadío: irrigation farming; irrigated
regalado: given as a present; dirt cheap; comfortable; luxurious; sweet; delicate; dainty
regalar: to give; to present; to compliment with; to sell very cheaply; to flatter; to caress; to
regale; to delight
regalía: royal privilege; exemption; regalías: royalties; perquisites
regaliz: liquorice; licorice
regalo: present; gift; bargain; pleasure; gratification; comfort; luxury
regañadientes: a regañadientes: reluctantly; grumblingly
regañar: to scold; to chide; to tell off; to argue; to quarrel; to wrangle; to snarl; to grumble
regañina: telling-off
regar: to water; to sprinkle; to irrigate; to strew something on
regata: boat race; regatta; furrow or small trench for irrigation
regate: dodge; quick side-movement
regatear: to haggle over; to bargain; to dribble past; to spare; to grudge; to resell at retail; to race
regato: stream; rill; rivulet
regazo: lap
regencia: regency; direction; management
regeneración: regeneration; feedback
regenerador: regenerative
regenerar: to regenerate
regenerarse: tom regenerate; to rehabilitate oneself; to renew itself
regentar: to manage; to run; to direct; to hold
regente: regent; manager; mayor; foreman; ruling; governing