reggae: reggae
regidor: stage manager; assistant director; assistant producer; councillor; councilor; alderman;
councilman; ruling; governing
régimen: regime; system; government; diet; pattern; rate
regimiento: regiment; horde; rule; government
regio: royal; regal; kingly; magnificent; fantastic; fine; great
región: region
regional: regional
regionalismo: regionalism
regir: to govern; to rule; to govern; to manage; to take; to apply; to conduct; to guide; to be in
force; to prevail; to function well
regirse: to be governed; to be ruled; to be managed
registrado: registered; marca registrada: trade mark
registrador: measuring; monitoring; registrar; recorder
registrar: to search; to examine; to inspect; to register; to record; to include; to mark with a
registrarse: to register; to check in; to happen; to take place
registro: search; inspection; register; registry; driving licence; registering; recording; regulator
regla: ruler; rule; regulation; limit; prudence; moderation; menstruation; period
reglaje: adjustment
reglamentación: regulation; establishment of regulations
reglamentar: to regulate; to establish regulations
reglamentario: pertaining to or prescribed by laws
reglamento: regulations; standing rules; bylaw
reglar: to regulate; to rule
regocijar: to delight; to rejoice; to gladden; to exhilarate
regocijarse: to take delight
regocijo: joy; delight; rejoicing; gladness; merriment; mirth
regodearse: to take great pleasure; to delight; to take malicious pleasure; to gloat
regodeo: delight; malicious pleasure; diversion
regordete: plump; chubby; pudgy
regresar: to return; to come back; to give back
regresarse: to return; to come back; to go back
regresión: regression; drop; retrogression
regresivo: backward; regressive
regreso: return; coming back
regué: regar
reguera: irrigation ditch
reguero: stream; trail; trickle; irrigation ditch
regulable: adjustable; regulation; adjustment; control
regulación: regulation; control; adjustment
regular: regular; orderly; average; to regulate
regularidad: regularity
regularizar: to regularize
regurgitación: regurgitation
regurgitar: to regurgitate
regusto: aftertaste
rehabilitación: rehabilitation; restoration; reinstatement
rehabilitar: to rehabilitate; to restore; to reinstate
rehabilitarse: to be rehabilitated
rehacer: to redo; to do over again; to remake; to rebuild; to repair; to renovate; to alter; to