English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

rentar: to produce; to yield; to rent; to be profitable
rentista: person of independent means; financier; one who lives on the interest of bones or
renuncia: giving up; resignation; reluctance; waiver
renuente: reluctant
renuevo: shoot; sprout; renovar
renuncia: renunciation; resignation; renouncement; giving up; waiver
renunciar: to give up; to resign; to renounce; to forsake; to waive; to decline; to refuse; to
renege; to revoke; renunciar a: to give up; to drop; to refuse
renuncio: renege; revoke; contradiction; lie; untruth
reñido: on bad terms; at odds; hard-fought; opposed; inconsistent; estar reñido con: to be
incompatible with
reñir: to tell off; to scold; to fight; to argue; to dispute; to fall out
reo: offender; culprit; guilty; accused; defendant
reojo: mirar algo de reojo: to look at something out of the corner of one's eyes; to look askance
reorganización: reorganization
reorganizar: to reorganize
reóstato: rheostat
repanocha: ser la repanocha: to be the limit
repantingarse: to sprawl out
reparación: repair; repairing; reparation; atonement; redress
reparador: refreshing; compensatory; restorative; repairing; repairer; mender
reparar: to repair; to fix; to make amends for; to restore; to reinvigorate; to observe; to notice;
to remark; to consider; to heed; to regard; to stop at; to parry; to defend oneself from; to stop; to
make a halt
reparo: objection; embarrassment; repair; reparation; restoration; remedy; defence; protection
repartición: sharing out; share-out; distribution; division; department
repartidor: distributor; dealer; deliveryman; milkman; paperboy
repartimiento: distribution
repartir: to share out; to divide; to distribute; to hand out; to partition; to deliver; to deal; to give
out; to allocate; to assign; to administer; to spread; to deal; to allot; to assess
repartirse: to share out; to divide up; to spread out;
reparto: share-out; division; distribution; delivery; allocation; cast
repasador: tea towel
repasar: to repass; to retrace; to review; to scan; to go over; to revise; to check; to clean up; to
look over; to inspect; to go to and fro; to darn; to mend; to finish; to perfect
repaso: revision; review; check; clean; darning; mending; overhaul; telling-off
repatear: get on one's wick
repatingarse: to sprawl out
repatriación: repatriation
repatriado: repatriated; repatriate
repatriar: to repatriate
repecho: steep slope; short steep incline
repelente: repulsive; repellent; revolting; poison; know-all
repeler: to repel; to repulse; to disgust; to drive back; to refute; to contradict
repelerse: to repel each other
repelús, repeluzno: shiver; fear; revulsion
repensar: to reconsider; to think over
repente: fit; turn; sudden impulse; de repente: suddenly; offhand
repentino: sudden; unexpected

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