English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

repera: es la repera: it's the tops; it's the limit
repercusión: repercussion; echoes; impact; importance
repercutir: to rebound; to echo; to reverberate; repercutir en: to have repercussions in
repertorio: repertoire; repertory; selection; index; record; collection
repesca: repêchage; retake; resit
repescar: to pass; to allow to qualify; to revive
repetición: repetition; reiteration; recurrence; replay; repeat
repetido: duplicated; repeated
repetidor: repeater; relay station; repeater; student repeating a year
repetir: to repeat; to reiterate; to renew; to do again; to have seconds of; to repeat a year
repetirse: to recur; to repeat oneself; to happen again
repetitivo: repetitive
repicar: to ring; to sound; to reprick; to chop; to hash; to mince
repintar: to repaint
repintarse: to put on too much make-up
repipi: affected; know-all
repique: peal; ringing; tiff; slight quarrel; repique; lively playing
repiquetear: to ring or play lively; to tap; to exchange biting words
repiqueteo: pealing; beating; ringing; drumming; exchange of lively words
repisa: shelf; ledge; mantelpiece; windowsill; corbel
repito: repetir
replantar: to replant; to transplant
replanteamiento: reconsideration
replantear: to reconsider; to restate; to redesign; to bring up again
replantearse: to reconsider; to re-examine
replegar: to retract; to fall back; to fall over and over
replegarse: to withdraw; to retreat
repleto: full up; replete
réplica: reply; answer; rejoinder; retort; replica
replicar: to answer; to answer back; to retort; to reply; to rejoinder
repliegue: withdrawal; retreat; fold; convolution; falling back
repoblación: repopulation; restocking
repoblar: to repopulate; to restock; to replant; to reforest
repollo: cabbage; head; round head
reponer: to replace; to re-run; to return; to replenish; to restore; to reinstate; to reply; to answer;
to repeat; to revive
reponerse: to recover
reportaje: report; article; reporting
reportar: to bring; to report; to earn; to check; to repress; to restrain; to transfer
reportarse: to control oneself
reporte: report; news; tale; piece of gossip; transfer
reportero: reporter
reposabrazos: armrest
reposacabezas: headrest
reposado: relaxed; calm; quiet; peaceful
reposapiés: footrest
reposar: to have a rest; to stand; to rest; to sleep; to lie; to be buried; to stand; to lay
reposarse: to settle
reposera: easy chair; deck chair
reposición: rerun; revival; repeat; replacement; repaying; recovering; restoration; reinstatement
reposo: rest; peace; sleep; calm

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