repostar: to fill up; to refuel; to stock up on; to replenish supplies
repostería: confectionery; pastry; confectioner's; bakery; pantry; larder
repostero: confectioner; pastry cook; square covering ornamented with a coat of arms
reprender: to tell off; to reprimand; to reprehend; to rebuke; to chide; to scold
reprensible: reprehensible; blamable
reprensión: telling-off; reprimand; reprehension; chiding; scolding
represa: dam; weir; millpond; sluice; pool; damming; recapture
represalia: reprisal; retaliation
representación: representation; performance; agency; dealership; delegation; performance;
address; petition; rank; distinction
representante: representative; agent; manger; player; representing
representar: to represent; to stand for; to look; to mean; to perform; to play; to depict; to mean
representativo: representative
represión: repression; suppression; check; curbing
represivo: repressive
represor: repressive
reprimenda: telling-off; reprimand; dressing down
reprimido: repressed
reprimir: to put down; to repress; to suppress; to check; to curb
reprimirse: to control oneself
reprise: acceleration
reprivatizar: to reprivatize
reprobable: reprehensible
reprobar: to reproach; to reprobate; to reprove; to fail; to flunk
reprochable: reprehensible
reprochar: to reproach
reproche: reproach; upbraiding
reproducción: reproduction
reproducir: to reproduce; to repeat
reproducirse: to reproduce; to be reproduced; to happen again
reproductor: reproducing; copying; reproductive; breeding; reproducer; breeder
reptar: to crawl; to creep
reptil: reptile; reptilian
república: republic; state; commonwealth
republicanismo: republicanism
republicano: republican
repudiar: to repudiate
repudio: repudiation
repudrir: to rot completely
repudrirse: to rot completely; to burn with
repuesto: replaced; restored; reinstated; recovered; store; stock; supply; pantry; spare part
repugnancia: disgust; repugnance; repugnancy
repugnante: repugnant; disgusting; loathsome
repugnar: to be repugnant to; to be loath to
repujar: to emboss; to do repoussé work on
repulsa: repulse; rebuke; refusal; condemnation
repulsión: repulsion; repugnance
repulsivo: repulsive; repellent
repuntar: to recover; to turn
repunte: recovery; turning of the tide
reputación: reputation; repute