English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

retracción: retraction
retractación: retraction; retractation; withdrawal
retractar: to retract; to recant; to take back
retractarse: to retract
retráctil: retractile; retractable
retraer: to retract; to draw in; to put off; to bring back; to dissuade
retraerse: to retract; to draw in; to withdraw
retraído: shy; reserved; withdrawn; retiring; incommunicative
retraimiento: retirement; shyness; keeping aloof; retreat; refuge
retransmisión: transmission; broadcast
retransmisor: transmitter; relay
retransmitir: to broadcast
retrasado: behind time; slow; behind; retarded
retrasar: to delay; to defer; to postpone; to retard; to put off; to slow down; to hold up; to be
slow; to fall behind; to decline
retrasarse: to be late; to fall behind; to go slow
retraso: delay; retard; lag; underdevelopment; backwardness
retratar: to paint a portrait of; to portray; to describe
retratarse: to portray oneself; to have one's picture painted; to have one's photograph taken
retratista: portrait painter; photographer
retrato: portrait; likeness; picture; photograph; image; resemblance; portrayal; depiction
retreta: retreat; tatoo; open-air brass band concert
retrete: toilet; lavatory; water-closet; boudoir
retribución: payment; fee; reward; recompense; consideration
retribuir: to pay; to reward; to recompense; to fee; to remunerate
retroacción: retroaction
retroactivo: retrospective; retroactive
retroceder: to go back; to slip; to fall back; to retreat; to flinch; to regress; to retrograde
retroceso: setback; worsening; aggravation; relapse; recoil; receding; regression; retrocession;
retrógrado: reactionary; retrograde
retropropulsión: jet propulsion
retrospectiva: retrospective
retrospectivo: retrospective
retrovisor: rear-view mirror; wing mirror
retumbante: resounding; thundering; rumbling; reverberating; pompous; bombastic; high-flown
retumbar: to resound; to thunder; to rumble; to reverberate
reuma: rheumatism
reumático: rheumatic
reumatismo: rheumatism
reunificación: reunification
reunificar: to reunify
reunión: meeting; reunion; gathering; party; collection; joining
reunir: to gather; to call together; to assemble; to reunite; to rally; to unite; to join; to collect; to
raise; to comply with; to satisfy
reunirse: to meet; to gather; to assemble; to rally; to join; to reunite
reválida: final examinations
revalidar: to retain; to revalidate; to confirm; to renew
revalorización: increase in value; appreciation; revaluation
revalorizar: to increase the value of; to revalue
revalorizarse: to appreciate; to go up in value

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