revolcón: knocking down; rolling over; defeat; fall; tumble; slump
revolotear: to fly about; to flutter; to flit
revoltijo: mess; clutter; medley; jumble; chaos; entanglement; confusion
revoltillo: dish of scrambled eggs with other ingredients
revoltoso: naughty; troublemaking; riotous; rebellious; little devil; rioter; rebel; troublemaker
revolución: revolution
revolucionar: to revolutionize; to stir up
revolucionario: revolutionary; revolutionist
revólver: revolver; pistol
revolver: to stir; to shake; to turn upside down; to upset; to disarrange; to rummage; to turn over;
to set a person against another; to swing around; to revolve; to mull over; to think over; to fool
around; to dig around
revolverse: to fidget; to turn around; to become stormy; to stir; to move; to swing around; to
revoque: plastering; rendering; plaster
revuelo: stir; to-do; flutter; commotion; sensation; second flight; flying around
revuelta revolt; riot; bend; turn; disturbance; turning; winding; turn; change
revuelto: in a mess; upset; disordered; confused; disturbed; agitated; intricate; changeable;
unsettled; scrambled
revulsivo purgative; revulsive; salutary lesson
rey: king; los Reyes Magos: the Magi
reyerta: wrangle; quarrel; row; fight; brawl; fracas
reyezuelo: tinpot leader; goldcrest; kinglet
rezagado: behind; straggler; lagger; straggling; lagging; left behind
rezagar to outstrip; to leave behind; to delay; to defer; to put off
rezagarse: to fall behind
rezar: to pray; to read; to say; to state; to be applicable; to apply
rezo praying; prayer; devotions
rezongar: to grumble; to complain; to mutter
rezongón: grumbling; grouchy
rezumar to exude; to sweat; to seep; to ooze out
ría: ria; estuary; firth; reír
riachuelo: stream; streamlet; rivulet; small river
Riad: Riyadh
riada: flood; freshet
ribazo: embankment; earthwork; steep bank; slope
ribera: bank; shore; strand; flood plain
ribereño: riparian; person living on the banks of a river or on a seashore
ribete: binding; border; trimming; addition; embellishment; <b<ribetes: streak; touch
ricacho: moneybags; vulgar rich person
ricachón: moneybags; rich person
ricamente: richly; pleasantly; comfortably
ricino: castor-oil plant
rico rich; sumptuous; delicious; tasty; lovely; cute; dear; darling
rictus: convulsive grin
ricura: deliciousness; baby; darling
ridiculez: ridiculousness; oddity; eccentricity; pittance; trifle
ridiculizar: to ridicule; to laugh at
ridículo: ridiculous; absurd; ludicrous; risible; odd; eccentric; trifling; insignificant; ridicule;
ríe: reír