English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

riego: irrigation, watering; regar
rielar: to shimmer; to glister; to glimmer
rienda: rein; restraint; moderation
riesgo: risk; hazard; danger; peril
riesgoso: risky
rifa: raffle; quarrel; row
rifar: to raffle; to raffle off; to quarrel; to dispute; to split
rifarse: to fight over
rifle: rifle
rige: regir
rigidez: rigidity; intolerance
rígido: rigid; inflexible; intolerant; strict; rigorous
rigor: severity; rigour; rigor; rigidity; en rigor: strictly speaking
rigurosidad: severity; harshness; rigorousness
riguroso: severe; harsh; rigorous; meticulous; absolute
rijo: regir
rima: rhyme; rime; rimas: poems
rimar: to rhyme
rimbombante: ostentatious; grandiloquent; bombastic; resonant; thundering; showy
rímel: mascara
rimero: pile; heap
Rin: Rhine
rincón: corner; nook; small space; patch; small piece of land; home; retreat
rinconada: corner
rinconera: corner shelf; corner unit; corner table; corner cabinet
rindo, rinda, rindiera: rendir
ring: ring
rinoceronte: rhinoceros
riña: quarrel; argument; row; wrangle; dispute; telling-off
riño: reñir
riñón: kidney; costar un riñón: to cost a mint of money; riñones: small of the back; kidneys;
riñonada: layer of fat around the kidneys; loins; dish of kidneys; small fortune
riñonera: lumbar support; moneybelt
río: river; stream; flood; reír
rió: reír
rioja: rioja
riojano: inhabitant of La Rioja
rioplatense: inhabitant of the River Plate region
ripio: corny verse; padding; refuse; debris; rubble; no perder ni ripio: not to miss a word; not to
miss the least occasion
riqueza: wealth; richness; riches
risa: laugh; laughter
risco: crag; cliff; honey fritter
risotada: guffaw; bellow of laughter
ristra: string; row; file
ristre: rest for the lance; ready
risueño: smiling; riant; cheerful; gay; pleasant; hopeful; promising
rítmico: rhythmic; rhythmical
ritmo: rhythm; cadence; rate; pace
rito: rite; ritual

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