secesionismo: secessionism
secesionista: secessionist
seco: dry; dried up; juiceless; arid; withered dead; lean; thin; meagre; unadorned; bare;
undiluted; strict; curt; short; brusque; hard; unfeeling; sharp
secreción: secretion
secretar: to secrete
secretaria: woman secretary
secretaría: secretary's office; secretaryship; secretariat; ministry; government department
secretariado: secretarial skills; secretariat
secretario: secretary; minister
secreter: writing desk
secreto: secret; confidential; secrecy; soundboard
secta: sect
sectario: sectarian; sectary
sector: sector; group; area
secuaz: minion; henchman; follower
secuela: consequence; sequel; result
secuencia: sequence
secuestrador: kidnapper; hijacker
secuestrar: to kidnap; to abduct; to hijack; to seize; to confiscate; to sequester; to sequestrate
secuestro: kidnapping; abduction; hijacking; hijack; seizure; confiscation; sequestration
secular: secular; lay; age-old
secularización: secularization
secularizar: to secularise; to impropriate
secundar: to support; to back up; to second; to aid
secundaria: secondary education; high school
secundario: secondary
secuoya: sequoia
sed: thirst; need for water; dryness; ser; tener sed: to be thirsty
seda: silk; wild boar's bristle
sedal: fishing line; seton; rowel
sedante: sedative; soothing
sedar: to sedate; to soothe; to quit; to allay
sede: headquarters; seat; see; quarters; Santa Sede: the Holy See
sedentario: sedentary
sedente: seated
sedición: sedition
sediento: thirsty; hungry; parched
sedimentación: sedimentation
sedimentar: to deposit
sedimentarse: to settle; to form a sediment
sedimentario: sedimentary
sedimento: sediment; deposit; residue; settlings; lees; dregs
sedoso: silky
seducción: seductiveness; attraction, charm; seduction; seducement
seducir: to attract; to charm; to captivate; to seduce; to tempt; to allure
seductor: charming; seductive; tempting; seducer
sefardí: Sephardic; Sephardi; Sephardim
segador: reaper; harvester; mower; harvestman; daddy-longlegs
segadora: harvester; lawnmower
segar: to reap; to harvest; to mow; to cut; cut off; to cut down; to put an end to