seglar: lay person; lay; secular
segmentar: to segment
segmento: segment; piece
segoviano: inhabitant of Segovia
segregación: segregation; secretion
segregar: to segregate; to secrete
seguida: following; succession; continuation; en seguida: immediately; straight away; at once
seguidilla: traditional Spanish dance; mournful flamenco song
seguido: consecutive; one after the other; continuous; straight after; straight on; direct
seguidor: follower; supporter
seguimiento: following; follow-up; tracking; monitoring; pursue; chase
seguir: to follow; to chase; to pursue; to hunt; to prosecute; to continue; to carry on; to resume;
to go on; to be; to do
seguirse: to follow; to ensue; to result
según: according to; depending on; as; just as; según que: depending on wether
segunda: second gear; second class; second division
segundero: second hand
segundo: second; second floor; assistant; mate
seguramente: probably; securely; safely; surely
seguridad: safety; security; certainty; confidence; police service; surety; bond; custody; safe
keeping; assurance; Seguridad Social: Social Security
seguro: safe; secure; reliable; sure; definite; certain; convinced; insurance; guarantee; safety
device; safety pin; firm; fast; steady; safe conduct; safety lock; click; pawl; stop; for sure;
seis: six; sixth
seiscientos: six hundred
seísmo: earthquake; tremor; seism
selección: selection; recruitment; national team
seleccionador: selector; manager; recruiter; selecting; national team manager
seleccionar: to pick; to select; to choose
selectividad: university entrance examination; selectivity
selectivo: selective
selecto: fine; excellent; exclusive; select; choice; distinguished
selector: selector
selenio: selenium
self-service: self-service restaurant
sellar: to stamp; to seal; to close; to settle; to hallmark
sello: stamp; rubber stamp; seal; hallmark; signet ring; seal ring; cachet
selva: jungle; forest; woods
selvático: jungle; silvan; sylvan; rustic; wild
semáforo: traffic lights; semaphore
semana: week; septenary; week's wages; Semana Santa: Holy Week; Easter
semanal: weekly
semanario: weekly; magazine
semántica: semantics; semasiology
semántico: semantic
semblante: countenance; face; look; mien; expression; aspect
semblanza: portrait; profile; description; biographical sketch
sembrado: sown; field; grain field; seed; sembrado de: plagued with
sembrador: sower; seeder; seeding machine; sowing machine; seeding; sowing
sembradora: seed drill