Sidney: Sydney
sidra: cider
siega: reaping; harvesting; mowing; harvest; harvest time
siembra: sowing; seeding; sowing time; sown ground
siembro: sembrar
siempre: always; ever; as long as; siempre que: whenever; para siempre: forever; evermore
siempreviva: immortelle; everlasting flower
sien: temple
siento: sentir
sierpe: serpent; snake; ugly-looking person; fierce or angry person; anything that winds or
sierra: mountain range; jagged mountain-chain; saw; sawfish
sierraleonés: Sierra Leonean
siervo: serf; slave; humble servant; servant
siesta: nap; siesta; hottest part of the day
siete: seven; seventh; V-shaped tear in garment; dog; clamp; siete y media: a card game
sietemesino: two months premature; puny coxcomb
sífilis: syphilis
sifilítico: syphilitic
sifón: U-bend; trap in a pipe; soda siphon; soda water
sigilo: secrecy; stealth; concealment; sealing; stamping
sigiloso: stealthy
sigla: abbreviation; sigla
siglo: century; age; epoch; period; ages; world
signatario: signatory
signatura: catalogue number; catalog number; pressmark; sign; mark; signature
significación: meaning; significance; importance; import
significado: meaning; signification; sense; well-known; prominent
significante: signifier; signifying; significant
significar: to mean; to express; to signify; to matter
significarse: to distinguish oneself; to stand out
significativo: meaningful; expressive; significant; significative; noteworthy
signo: sign; indication; mark; symbol; character; scroll or flourish
sigo: seguir
sigue: seguir
siguiente: following; next; next person; next one
sílaba: syllable
silábico: syllabic
silbar: to whistle; to boo; to whistle at; to hoot; to hiss; to whiz; to catcall
silbato: whistle
silbido: whistle; whistling; hissing; hoot; hooting; whiz
silenciador: silencer; muffler
silenciar: to keep quiet about; to hush up; to silence; to omit
silencio: silence; stillness; quiet; taciturnity; rest
silencioso: quiet; silent; noiseless; still; taciturn
sílfide: sylph
silicato: silicate
sílice: silica
silicio: silicon
silicona: silicone
silla: chair; stroller; pushchair; saddle; see; silla de ruedas: wheelchair