English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

sillar: block if building stone; ashlar; place for the saddle on the back of a horse
sillería: set of chairs; stalls; stonework; ashlar; ashlar masonry; chair making
sillín: seat; light riding saddle
sillón: armchair; easy chair
silo: silo; cavern; dark place
silogismo: syllogism
silueta: silhouette; outline
silvestre: wild; uncultivated; rustic
silvicultor: forestry expert; forester; silviculturist
silvicultura: forestry; silviculture
sima: pothole; chasm; cave; abyss
simbiosis: symbiosis; synthesis
simbiótico: symbiotic
simbólico: symbolic; symbolical
simbolismo: symbolism
simbolizar: to symbolize; to be a symbol of; to typify; to stand for
símbolo: symbol
simetría: symmetry
simétrico: symmetrical; symmetric
simiente: seed; semen; sperm
simiesco: apelike; simian; apish
símil: parallel; simile; comparison; similar
similar: similar; like
similitud: similitude; similarity
simio: ape; simian
simpatía: affection; fondness; liking; favour; sympathy; support; charm; pleasant manner;
simpático: likeable; nice; pleasant; winsome; agreeable; congenial; amusing; entertaining;
simpatizante: sympathizer; follower; supporter; favouring; supporting
simpatizar: to get on; to sympathize; to be congenial; to feel a mutual liking
simple: simple; easy; single; ingenious; foolish; innocent; guileless; simpleton; half-wit
simpleza: stupidity; piece of nonsense; silly thing; trifle; silliness; foolishness
simplicidad: simplicity
simplificación: simplification
simplificar: to simplify
simplista: simplistic
simplón: innocent; guileless; simple; half-witted; half-wit; simpleton
simposio: symposium
simulación: pretence; pretense; simulation; feigning
simulacro: exercise; drill; show; pretence; pretense; simulacrum; sham battle
simular: to pretend; to feign; to represent; to simulate; to imitate; to sham
simultáneamente: at the same time
simultanear: to combine; to accomplish or carry out simultaneously
simultáneo: simultaneous
sin: without; besides; without counting; excluding; sin embargo: however; nevertheless
sinagoga: synagogue
sinceramente: sincerely; honestly; frankly
sincerarse: to open up; to excuse; to justify; to exculpate
sinceridad: sincerity
sincero: sincere

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