socarrón: mocking; sarcastic; mocker; sly; cunning
socarronería: mockery; sarcasm; slyness; cunning; artfulness
socavar: to dig under; to undermine; to weaken
socavón: large hole; cave; cavern; adit
sociable: sociable; companionable
social: social
socialdemocracia: social democracy
socialdemócrata: social democrat
socialdemocrático: social democratic
socialismo: socialism
socialista: socialist; socialistic
socialización: nationalization
socializar: to nationalize; to socialize
sociedad: society; association; union; club; company; corporation; partnership
socio: member; fellow; guy; season ticket holder; partner; buddy; pal
socioeconómico: socio-economic
sociología: sociology
sociológico: sociological
sociólogo: sociologist
sociopolítico: socio-political
socorrer: to help; to aid; to assist; to succour
socorrido: convenient; handy; useful; trite; hackneyed; ready to help
socorrismo: life-saving
socorrista: lifeguard; life-saver; mountain rescuer
socorro: help; assistance; aid; succour; relief
soda: soda
sódico: sodium; sodic
sodio: sodium
soez: obscene; rude; coarse; base; vile
sofá: sofa; couch
Sofía: Sofia
sofisticación: sophistication; adulteration
sofisticado: sophisticated
sofisticar: to refine; to make sophisticated; to sophisticate; to adulterate
soflama: impassioned speech; harangue; faint glow or flame; blush; flimflam; deceitful talk
sofocado: out of breath; blushing; upset; annoyed
sofocante: stifling
sofocar: to smother; to put down; to choke; to suffocate; to stifle; to quench; to harass; to
importune; to crush; to make blush
sofocarse: to get out of breath; to blush; to get upset
sofoco: embarrassment; blush; annoyance; vexation; mortification; suffocation
sofocón: great vexation or mortification
sofoquina: stifling heat
sofreír: to fry lightly
sofrito: mixture of onion, chopped tomato and other ingredients fried in oil; anything slightly
fried; sofreír
software: software
soga: rope; esparto rope; halter; face
soja: soya; soy
sojuzgar: to subdue; to subjugate; to conquer; to subject
soka-tira: tug-of-war